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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Magnetic South by Four Star Trio

Basic album data
Artist NameFour Star Trio
Album TitleMagnetic South
MusiciansJohnny McCarthy (fiddle, flute, whistle, vocals, guitar), Con Ó Drisceoil (accordion, melodeon, vocals, piano), Pat Herring Ahern (guitar, bouzouki, mandolin, ukulele), with Colm Ó Murchú (bodhrán), Dave Whitla (double bass)
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Craft Recordings CRCD007, no date. Recorded in Curraghbeg and Clonmoyle East, Co. Cork. Launched in Cork on 7 June 2014 according to the band's Facebook photo album of the launch viewed on 4 December 2014.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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11 Slide Thadelo's Slide
2 Slide My Love in the Morning
My Love in the Morning
3 Slide She Hasn't the Thing She Thought She Had
Behind the Bush in the Garden / The Perfect Cure
21 Polka John Cronin's
[1st tune in a set titled:] D.D.Cronin's Polkas [sic]
2 Polka Tom Morrison's
[2nd tune in a set titled:] D.D.Cronin's Polkas [sic] / [potentially ambigous reference to the following tune title:] The Glin Cottage
3 Polka DD Cronin's Favourite
The Glin Cottage / The Green Cottage / [potentially ambigous reference to the preceding tune title being intended for this tune:] D.D. Cronin's Polkas
31 Song Abbey of Kilcrea
The Abbey of Kilcrea
Performer: Johnny (vocal)
41 Hpipe An Bean Dubh
An Bean Dubh
2 Hpipe Spaniard
The Spaniard
51 Reel Quinn's
2 Reel Pope's Toe
The Pope's Toe
61 JigD An Seanchaí Muimhneach
Bill the Weaver's
2 JigD A Thousand Farewells
A Thousand Farewells
3 Slide Follow Me Down to Carlow
Follow Me Down to Carlow
71 Song Pope's Toe
The Pope's Toe
Performer: Con (vocals)
81 Air Dhá Chich Danann
Dhá Chich Danann
Performer: Johnny (fiddle)
2 Polka Tom Sullivan's
Tom Sullivan's
3 Polka Nelly Cleare's
The Borlin
4 Polka As I Went Out upon the Ice
As I Went Out upon the Ice
91 Slide I'd Rather Be Married Than Left
I'd Rather be Married than Left [sic]
2 Slide John Cronin's
John Cronin's
101 Song Bruach na Carraige Báine
[1st tune in a set titled:] Bruach na Carraige Báine
Performer: Johnny (flute)
2 Song Bruach na Carraige Báine
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Bruach na Carraige Báine
Performer: Johnny (vocal)
111 JigD Paddy Carey
Paddy Carey's
2 SgJig Captain White's
Captain White's
121 BDnce Glenbeigh
The Glenbeigh Hornpipe / The Curlew Hills Polka / The German Polka / The German Schottische
2 Hpipe Jackie Tar
Jackie Tar
3 BDnce Scroll in the Stout
The Scroll in the Stout
131 Song Nuair a Bhuaileas
Nuair a Bhuaileas
Performer: Con (vocal)
141 Polka Cashman's
2 Polka Lehane's
151 Reel Old Woman of the House
O'Keeffe's Woman of the House
2 Reel Man of the House
The Man of the House
3 Reel Setting Sun
The Setting Sun
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