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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Be Off by Aidan Connolly

Basic album data
Artist NameAidan Connolly
Album TitleBe Off
MusiciansAidan Connolly (fiddle, banjo), with Andrea Palandri (fiddle), Liam McGonigle (accordion), Con Moynihan (fiddle), Oisín Morrison (flute), Pádraic Keane (pipes), Fergus McGorman (flute), Deidre Winrow (fiddle), Pauric Bannon (flute), Ruairí McGorman (bouzouki), Jack Talty (piano)
Source and
other information
Raelach Records RR009, 2016. Released 26 October 2016 according to <https://raelachrecords.bandcamp.com/album/be-off> accessed 13 December 2024.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Paddy Cronin's Own
Paddy Cronin's Own
2 Reel Be Off
As a Thoiseach / Keep it Up / Be Off
3 Reel John Blessing's
John Blessing's
21 JigD An Seanduine Dóite
An Seanduine Dóite
2 JigD An Siocán Sneachta
An Siocán Sneachta
31 Reel Bucks of Oranmore
The Bucks of Oranmore
Performer: with Andrea Palandri (fiddle)
41 JigSl Top the Candle!
John McFadden's
Performer: with Liam McGonigle (accordion)
2 JigSl Spatter the Dew
Spatter the Dew
Performer: with Liam McGonigle (accordion)
51 Hpipe Kildare Fancy
The Kildare Fancy
2 Hpipe Gillespie's Hornpipe
Frank Cassidy's
61 Reel Finbar Dwyer's
Molly Bán
2 Reel Colonel Irwin
Colonel Irwin
71 Reel Piper's Despair
The Flowing Bow [sic] / The Piper's Despair
Performer: with Con Moynihan (fiddle)
2 Reel Pay the Girl Her Fourpence
Pay the Girl Her Fourpence
Performer: with Con Moynihan (fiddle)
81 JigD Molloy's Favourite
MacDarcy's Favourite
2 JigD Joe Liddy's
Joe Liddy's
91 Reel New Mailcoach
The Boys from Mayo
Performer: with Oisín Morrison (flute)
2 Reel Woman of the House
Woman of the House
Performer: with Oisín Morrison (flute)
3 Reel Broomstick
Down the Broom
Performer: with Oisín Morrison (flute)
101 JigD Streams of Kilnaspig
Streams of Kilnaspig
Performer: with Pádraic Keane (pipes), Fergus McGorman (flute)
2 JigD Lark in the Blue Summer Sky
The Lark in the Blue Summer Sky
Performer: with Pádraic Keane (pipes), Fergus McGorman (flute)
111 Reel Miss Johnson
Miss Johnson's
2 Fling Primrose Lass
Primrose Lass
3 Reel Five-Mile Chase
Five Mile Chase
121 JigD Catty Nell Gallagher's
Catty Nell Gallagher's
Performer: with Deirdre Winrow (fiddle)
2 JigD Martin Ruane's
Martin Ruane's
Performer: with Deirdre Winrow (fiddle)
3 JigD Eddie Corcoran's
Eddie Corcoran's
Performer: with Deirdre Winrow (fiddle)
131 Reel Jenny Pippin
Jenny Nettle's Fancy
2 Reel Farewell to Old Decency
For the Sake of Old Decency
141 Hpipe Liverpool Breakdown
The Liverpool Breakdown
Performer: (banjo)
2 Hpipe Cuckoo's Nest
The Cuckoo's Nest
Performer: (banjo)
151 Polka Kate Naughton Tighe's 1
Kate Naughton Tighe's 1
Performer: with Liam McGonigle (accordion)
2 Polka Kate Naughton Tighe's 2
Kate Naughton Tighe's 2
3 Polka Thady Stenson's
Thady Stenson's
Performer: with Liam McGonigle (accordion)
161 BDnce If There Weren't Any Women in the World
If There Weren't Any Women in the World / Hypothetical Eventuality of a Global Absence of XX Chromosomes
Performer: with Liam McGonigle (accordion), Andrea Palandri (fiddle), Pauric Bannon (flute)
2 BDnce Stack of Oats
Stack of Oats / The Stack of Oats
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