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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Mirth-Making Heroes by At the Racket

Basic album data
Artist NameAt the Racket
Album TitleMirth-Making Heroes
MusiciansJohn Carty (fiddle, banjo), Brian McGrath (banjo, piano, keyboards), Seamus O'Donnell (flute, saxophone, vocals), Garry O'Briain (guitar, mandocello, piano), Brid Dooley (vocals)
Source and
other information
Racket Records RR003, 2001. Recorded in Boyle and Longford. Not indexed here: track 8 (Dancing Dustman).

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 SgJig John McHugh's
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Adam and Eve Set
2 SgJig Adam and Eve
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Adam and Eve Set / [title given for this particular tune:] Adam and Eve
21 Hpipe Danny Meehan's
[1st tune in a set titled:] Where Would the World be Without Women [sic] / [title given for this particular tune:] Danny Meehan's
2 BDnce If There Weren't Any Women in the World
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Where Would the World be Without Women [sic] / [title given for this particular tune:] Where would the world be without women
31 Song A Chuisle Mo Chroi
A Chuisle Mo Chroi
Performer: Brid (vocals)
41 Reel Ríl Bheag Bhaile na nUan
[1st tune in a set titled:] Miko's
2 Hpipe Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Miko's
51 Polka Ballinafad Polka
[1st tune in a set titled:] Turkey in the Straw Medley / [title given for this particular tune:] Ballinafad Polka
2 Hpipe Turkey in the Straw
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Turkey in the Straw Medley / [title given for this particular tune:] Turkey in the Straw
3 Reel Tinker's Stick
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Turkey in the Straw Medley / [title given for this particular tune:] Tinkers Stick
Performer: Seamus (vocals)
61 Song Little Bridget Flynn
Little Bridget Flynn
71 Reel Johnny Henry's
Johnny Henry's
Performer: John (tenor guitar), then at end of the track again but with Seamus (flute)
2 Reel Handsome Sally
Handsome Sally
Performer: John (tenor guitar), Seamus (flute)
91 JigD One that Was Lost
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Clare Shout / [title given for this particular tune:] The one that was lost
2 JigD Clare Shout
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Clare Shout / [title given for this particular tune:] The Clare Shout
3 JigD Dinny Delaney's
[3rd tune in a set titled:] The Clare Shout / [title given for this particular tune:] Dinny Delaney's
101 Song Killarney and You
Killarney and You / I am sighing Tonight for Killarney and You
Performer: Brid (vocals)
111 Reel Jackie Coleman's
Jackie Coleman's
2 Reel Hare's Paw
Hare's Paw / The Hare's Foot
121 Reel Fionn O'Donnell
[1st tune in a set titled:] Fionn O'Donnell / [title given for this particular tune:] Fionn O'Donnell
2 Reel Caucus at Secaucus
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Fionn O'Donnell / [title given for this particular tune:] The Caucus Reel
3 Reel O'Reilly's Greyhound
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Fionn O'Donnell / [title given for this particular tune:] The Gabe's
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