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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Stormy Weather by Beginish

Basic album data
Artist NameBeginish
Album TitleStormy Weather
MusiciansBrendan Begley (accordion, vocals), Noel O'Grady (bouzouki), Paul McGrattan (flute, whistle), Gavin Ralston (guitar, keyboards), Paul O'Shaughnessy (fiddle), with Colm Murphy (bodhrán), Séamus Begley (vocals)
Source and
other information
Inish Records INIS 002, 2001. Recorded in Dublin. Notes by Paul McGrattan. Printed lyrics included for all songs.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 BDnce Thadelo Sullivan's
2 Hpipe Blackbird
The Blackbird
3 BDnce Corn Rigs
The Corn Reeks
21 Reel Concert Reel
The Concert Reel
2 Reel Mary McMahon
Micho Russell's
3 Reel Boys on the Hilltop
The Boy on the Hilltop
31 Song An Búachaillín Donn
[tray card:] An Búachaillín Donn [liner notes:] An Búchaillín Donn
Performer: Brendan (vocal)
41 JigD Paddy in London
Paddy in London
2 JigD King of the Pipers
King of the Pipers
51 Reel I'm Waiting for You
I'm Waiting for You
Performer: Paul O'Shaughnessy (fiddle)
2 Reel Touch Me If You Dare
Touch Me If You Dare
3 Reel Gooseberry Bush
The Gooseberry Bush
61 Song Raibh Tú ag an gCarraig?
An raibh tú ag an gCarraig? (Were you at the rock?)
Performer: Brendan (vocal)
71 Hpipe Harlequin
The Chancellor
2 Hpipe Friendly Visit
The Friendly Visit
81 JigD Luachrachán's Jig
The Lúradán's Jig
2 Reel Jolly Tinker
The Yellow Tinker
91 Polka Gullane Polka
The Gullane Polka
2 Polka Captain Moonlight's Army
3 Polka Ceo Mara
Johnny O'Leary's
101 Song Bainne an Ghabhair Bháin
Bainne an Ghabhair Bháin (the white goat's milk)
2 JigD Port Chúil Aodha
[unlisted tune that follows:] Bainne an Ghabhair Bháin
111 Reel Cocktail
The Dublin Reel
2 Reel Graf Spee
Graf Spey
121 Song Parting Glass
The Parting Glass
Performer: Brendan (vocal), with Séamus (vocal)
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