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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: In the Tradition by Boys of the Lough

Basic album data
Artist NameBoys of the Lough
Album TitleIn the Tradition
MusiciansAly Bain (fiddle), Cathal McConnell (flute, whistle, vocals), Dave Richardson (concertina, mandolin, cittern, banjo), Tich Richardson (guitar, acoustic bass guitar)
Source and
other information
Topic 12TS422, 1981. LP format. Recorded in Pencaitland, East Lothian, Scotland. Not indexed here: side 1 track 2 (Kiss Her under the Coverlet / The Lads of Alnwick), 1st tune on side 1 track 6 (J. O. Forbes Esq. of Corse), 3rd tune on side 1 track 6 (Charles Sutherland).

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
1.11 JigD Out on the Ocean
Out on the Ocean
Performer: 1st time Dave (cittern)
2 JigD Paddy O'Rafferty
Padeen O'Rafferty [sic]
3 JigD Isabelle Blackley
Isabelle Blackley
1.31 Reel Road to Cashel
The Road to Cashel
2 Reel Man from Bundoran
Paddy Kelly's
1.41 Song Lord Gregory
Lord Gregory
Performer: Cathal (vocals)
1.51 Song Bean Dubh an Ghleanna
Dark Woman of the Glen (Bean Dubh a'Ghleanna)
Performer: 1st time Cathal (flute)
1.62 Reel Hawk
The Hawk
Performer: Aly (fiddle)
2.11 Reel Lonesome Fiddler
Eddie Kelly's
Performer: Aly (fiddle)
2 Reel Green Fields of Glentown
The Green Fields of Glentown
2.21 Hpipe Eclipse
The Eclipse
Performer: Dave (mandolin)
2 Hpipe Tailor's Twist
The Tailor's Twist
Performer: 1st time Aly (fiddle)
2.31 Slide Biddy from Sligo
Biddy from Sligo
Performer: Cathal (Eb whistle)
2 Reel Sunset
The Sunset
Performer: Cathal (Eb whistle)
3 Reel Tommy Peoples'
[album jacket:] Peoples' / [disc label:] People's
Performer: Cathal (Eb whistle)
2.41 JigD Bank of Turf
Padraig O'Keefe's
2 JigD Con Cassidy's
Con Cassidy's
2.51 Song Sea-Apprentice Boy
The Sea Apprentice
Performer: Cathal (vocals)
2.61 Reel Miss McDonald
Miss McDonald
2.71 Air Ar Éirinn ní Neosfainn Cé Hí
For Ireland I'd Not Tell Her Name (Ar Éirinn ní 'neosfainn cé hí)
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