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Artist Name | Charlie Lennon |
Album Title | Time for a Tune |
Musicians | Charlie Lennon (fiddle, piano, drum), with Johnny Connolly (melodeon), Michael McGoldrick (flute), Brian Lennon (flute, whistle), Michael O'Brien (flute), Éilís Lennon (fiddle), Brian McGrath (banjo), Thom Moore (12-string guitar), Jim Higgins (bodhrán), Eric Cunningham (steel brushes, bodhrán) |
Source and other information | Worldmusic Publication CD WOM 104, 2000. Recorded in Spiddal, Co. Galway. |
Track | Tune | ? Rhythm |
Link to verified tune identity | Titles as listed on this album |
1 | 1 | JigD | Ben's Brogues |
Ben's Brogues |
2 | 1 | Reel | Boys of the Lough |
Boys of the Lough |
2 | Reel | Devils of Dublin |
Devils of Dublin |
3 | 1 | Schot | Mrs. Kenny's |
Mrs. Kenny's Barn Dance |
2 | Reel | Sunny Banks |
Sunny Banks |
4 | 1 | Reel | Jolly Tinker |
Jolly Tinker |
2 | Reel | Mullingar Races |
Mullingar Races |
5 | 1 | JigD | Cherish the Ladies |
Cherish the Ladies |
6 | 1 | Hpipe | Sweep's Hornpipe |
The Belfast Performer: with Johnny Connolly (melodeon) |
2 | Hpipe | Showman's Fancy |
The Sweep's Hornpipe Performer: with Johnny Connolly (melodeon) |
7 | 1 | Reel | Merry Sisters |
Merry Sisters |
2 | Reel | Farewell to Leitrim |
Farewell to Leitrim |
8 | 1 | BDnce | James Gannon's |
[1st tune in a set titled:] Jamesy Gannon's Barn Dances |
2 | BDnce | Belle of the Ball |
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Jamesy Gannon's Barn Dances |
9 | 1 | JigD | Scatter the Mud |
Scatter the Mud |
2 | JigD | Kesh Jig |
The Kesh Jig |
10 | 1 | Reel | Liverpool Reel No 1 |
[1st tune in a set titled:] Liverpool Reels / [in composer credits, the title of the set is listed as:] Liverpool Reels, No 1 & 2 Performer: Michael McGoldrick (Eb flute), Brian Lennon (Eb flute), Michael O'Brien (Eb flute) |
2 | Reel | Liverpool Reel No 2 |
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Liverpool Reels / [in composer credits, the title of the set is listed as:] Liverpool Reels, No 1 & 2 Performer: Michael McGoldrick (Eb flute), Brian Lennon (Eb flute), Michael O'Brien (Eb flute) |
11 | 1 | Piece | Love Finds a Way |
Love Finds a Way |
12 | 1 | Reel | Heather Breeze |
Heather Breeze |
2 | Reel | Mountain Dew |
Mountain Dew |
13 | 1 | JigD | A Jig for Johnny |
A Jig for Johnny Performer: with Johnny Connolly (melodeon) |
2 | JigD | Finn from Fairymount |
Finn from Fairymount Performer: with Johnny Connolly (melodeon) |
14 | 1 | Air | Iarthar Mhaigh Eo |
Iarthar Mhaigh Eo / West Mayo Performer: Éilís (fiddle) |
15 | 1 | Reel | Fisherman's Lilt |
The Kerryman's Daughter |
2 | Reel | Bird in the Bush |
Bird in the Bush |
16 | 1 | JigD | Jackson's Jig |
[1st tune in a set titled:] Up Sligo |
2 | JigD | Tar Road to Sligo |
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Up Sligo |
17 | 1 | Reel | Mountain Top |
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Mountain Top Set / [title given for this particular tune:] The Mountain Top |
2 | Reel | Rolling in the Ryegrass |
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Mountain Top Set / [title given for this particular tune:] Rolling in the Ryegrass |
3 | Reel | Lord Wellington's Reel |
[3rd tune in a set titled:] The Mountain Top Set / [title given for this particular tune:] Galway Rambler Performer: with Johnny Connolly (melodeon) |
4 | Reel | Mick O'Connor's Choice |
[4th tune in a set titled:] The Mountain Top Set / [title given for this particular tune:] Mick O'Connor's Performer: with Johnny Connolly (melodeon) |