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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Uilleann Tales by Christopher McMullan

Basic album data
Artist NameChristopher McMullan
Album TitleUilleann Tales
MusiciansChristopher McMullan (pipes, whistle), with Steven Byrnes (guitar, bouzouki), Dermot Mulholland (double bass), Niall Preston (bodhrán)
Source and
other information
[Self-published], 2016. Recorded in London and Belfast. Released 24 February 2017 according to <https://www.facebook.com/chrismcmullanpiper/posts/1232256390144324> accessed 18 January 2025.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Tear the Calico
Rip the Calico
2 Reel Farewell to Erin
Farewell to Erin
3 Reel Lobster
The Lobster Pot / An Gliomach
21 JigD Tommy Mulhair's
The Shaskeen
Performer: (F whistle)
2 JigD Mist-Covered Mountain
The Mist on the Mountain / Misty Mountain
Performer: (F whistle)
3 JigD McGoldrick's No. 2
Performer: (F whistle)
31 Hpipe Plains of Boyle
The Plains of Boyle
2 Hpipe Friendly Visit
The Friendly Visit
41 Piece Wee John O'Connor's
Wee John O'Connor's
Performer: (F whistle)
51 JigD Monaghan Jig
The Monaghan Jig
2 JigD Scatter the Mud
Scatter the Mud / The Maids of Tramore / Noonday Feast
3 SgJig Hag at the Churn
Hag at the Churn
61 Reel Bunker Hill
Bunker Hill
2 Reel Gooseberry Bush
The Gooseberry Bush
71 JigSl Moll Roe
Moll Rue / Moll Roe / Táim in Arrears / Moll Roe in the Morning / I'll Take a Glass with a Friend / Late on a Saturday Night
2 JigSl Hardiman the Fiddler
Hardiman the Fiddler
81 Air Ar Éirinn ní Neosfainn Cé Hí
Ar Éirínn Ní nEosfainn Cé hÍ
91 Reel Bells of Tipperary
The New Policeman
Performer: (F whistle)
2 Reel Earl's Chair
The Earl's Chair
Performer: (F whistle)
101 SetD Downfall of Paris
The Downfall of Paris
111 JigD Willie Coleman's
Willie Colman's [sic] / The Moate Hunt
Performer: (low D whistle)
2 JigD Gallowglass
Gallowglass / Neil Gow's Lament for his Brother
Performer: (low D whistle)
3 JigD Aaron's Key
Aaron's Key
Performer: (low D whistle)
121 Song Táimse im' Chodladh
Táimse im' chodladh
2 Reel Clumsy Lover
The Clumsy Lover
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