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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Crossroads Céilí by Seamus Glackin, Brendan Begley, Michael O'Brien, Mary Corcoran, Mick Gaynor

Basic album data
Artist NameSeamus Glackin, Brendan Begley, Michael O'Brien, Mary Corcoran, Mick Gaynor
Album TitleCrossroads Céilí
MusiciansSeamus Glackin (fiddle), Brendan Begley (accordion), Michael O'Brien (flute), Mary Corcoran (piano), Mick Gaynor (drums)
Source and
other information
Chart Records CHCD 015, no date. Recorded in Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Released at least by May 1999 according to OCLC.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Ships Are Sailing
The Ships A Sailing
2 Reel Craig's Pipes
Creggs Pipes
3 Reel Dublin Reel
Dublin Reel
21 JigD Wandering Minstrel
2 JigD Fasten the Leg in Her
Joe Ryan's
31 Reel Last Night's Fun
Last Nights Fun
2 Reel Toss the Feathers
Toss the Feathers
3 Reel Farrell O'Gara
Farrell Ó Gara
41 Polka Toormore #1
[1st of three tunes in a set with only two titles:] "Dave Hennesseys / Brendan Begley's Favourite"
2 Polka New Roundabout
[2nd of three tunes in a set with only two titles:] "Dave Hennesseys / Brendan Begley's Favourite"
3 Polka Jimmy Doyle's Polka
[3rd of three tunes in a set with only two titles:] "Dave Hennesseys / Brendan Begley's Favourite"
51 Waltz [untitled]
[1st tune in a set titled:] Cooleys Waltzes
Performer: Brendan (accordion)
2 Waltz Tommy Bhetty's Waltz
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Cooleys Waltzes
Performer: Brendan (accordion)
61 JigD Queen of the Fair
[1st tune in a set titled:] Queen of the Fair Selection
2 JigD Carraroe Jig
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Queen of the Fair Selection
71 Reel Banks of the Ilen
The Banks of the Uilleann [sic]
2 Reel Tom Billy's
Scartaglen Reel
81 Reel Crowley's No. 1
[1st tune in a set titled:] Crowley's 1+ 2
2 Reel Crowley's No. 2
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Crowley's 1+ 2
91 JigD When Sick Is It Tea You Want?
When Sick Is It Tea You Want
2 JigD Apples in Winter
Apples in Winter
3 JigD Larry O'Gaff
Daniel O'Connell
101 Reel Trip to Durrow
Trip to Durrow
2 Reel Cup of Tea
Cup of Tea
111 Slide Is It the Priest You Want?
[1st tune in a set titled:] Begley's Fancy
2 Slide Barna Slide
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Begley's Fancy
121 Hpipe Rights of Man
[1st tune in a set titled:] Rights of Man Selection
2 Hpipe Chief O'Neill's Favorite
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Rights of Man Selection
131 JigD Basket of Turf
[1st tune in a set titled:] Munster Buttermilk Selection
2 JigD Behind the Haystack
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Munster Buttermilk Selection
141 Reel Kerry Reel
Green Fields of Rossbeigh
2 Reel Wise Maid
The Wise Maid
3 Reel Old Concertina Reel
The Concerting Reel [sic]
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