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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Ballydesmond Polka. Traditional Irish Music from Sliabh Luachra Played By Dan Herlihy and John Drew by Dan Herlihy and John Drew

Basic album data
Artist NameDan Herlihy and John Drew
Album TitleThe Ballydesmond Polka. Traditional Irish Music from Sliabh Luachra Played By Dan Herlihy and John Drew
MusiciansDan Herlihy (accordion), John Drew (mandocello)
Source and
other information
DHJDCD001, no date. Notes by Dan Herlihy and John Drew. No other source information published with this album. I have estimated the release date at around 2000. Track 6 ("The French Waltz") not indexed here.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD Farewell to Ballinahulla
Farewell to Ballinahulla
2 JigD Kilkenny Jig
The Kilkenny Jig
21 Polka Eileen's Polka
Eileen O'Keeffe's
2 Polka Ballydesmond Polka
The Ballydesmond Polka
31 Reel Blackwater Banks
The Blackwater Banks
2 Reel Pay the Girl Her Fourpence
Pay the Girl Her Fourpence
41 Hpipe Friendly Visit
The Friendly Visit
2 Hpipe Cuckoo
The Cuckoo
51 Slide Abbeyfeale
Behind the Bush in the Garden
2 Slide Padraig O'Keefe's Favourite
Patsy Healy's
3 Slide Nelly Mahony's
Tom Carroll's
71 Reel Old Pensioner
2 Reel Flower of the Flock
The Flower of the Flock
81 Polka Top of Maol
The Groves of Gneeveguilla
2 Polka Humours of Ballydesmond
The Knocknaboul #1
3 Polka Knocknaboul Polka
The Knocknaboul #2
4 Polka As I Went Out upon the Ice
As I Went Out upon the Ice
91 Slide Barna Slide
Bridgie the Weaver's
2 Slide If I Had a Wife
The Next Wan
101 JigD Luachrachán's Jig
2 JigD Sweet Biddy Daly
Sweet Biddy Daly
111 Hpipe Galway Hornpipe
[1st tune in a set titled:] McDermott's / [title given for this particular tune:] The Galway Hornpipe
2 Hpipe McDermott's
[2nd tune in a set titled:] McDermott's / [title given for this particular tune:] The Flowers of Antrim
121 Mzrka Sonny's Mazurka
Sonny's Mazurka
2 Mzrka Shoe the Donkey
Fr. Halpin's Top Coat / Fr.Halpin's TopCoat / Shoe the Donkey
131 Polka Sonny Sweeney's
The Glencollins Polka
2 Polka Tom Billy's
Jack O'Connell's
141 JigSl Little Fair Cannavans
An Ceannabhán Bán
2 JigSl Whinny Hills of Leitrim
Larry Redican's
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