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Artist Name | David Power |
Album Title | My Love Is in America |
Musicians | David Power (pipes) |
Source and other information | Claddagh Records CCF37CD, 2005. Recorded in Mamaroneck, New York, USA. |
Track | Tune | ? Rhythm |
Link to verified tune identity | Titles as listed on this album |
1 | 1 | Reel | Salamanca |
The Salamanca / The Salamanca Reel |
2 | Reel | Steampacket |
The Steam Packet |
2 | 1 | Hpipe | Standing Abbey |
The Standing Abbey |
2 | SetD | Madame Bonaparte |
Madame Bonaparte |
3 | 1 | JigD | Rakes of Kildare |
The Galbally Farmer |
2 | JigD | Saddle the Pony |
Saddle the Pony |
4 | 1 | Reel | Jenny Picking Cockles |
Jenny Picking Cockles |
2 | Reel | My Love Is in America |
My Love is in America [sic] |
5 | 1 | Air | Amárach lá 'le Pádraig |
Amárach lá 'le Pádraig (St. Patrick's Day is Tomorrow) |
6 | 1 | JigD | Boys of the Town |
The Boys of the Town |
2 | JigD | Bride's Favourite |
The Bride's Favourite |
7 | 1 | Piece | Fox Chase |
The Fox Chase |
8 | 1 | Hpipe | Bantry Bay |
Bantry Bay |
2 | Hpipe | Stack of Barley |
The Stack of Barley (An Staicín Eorna) |
9 | 1 | Reel | Castle Kelly |
Castle Kelly / Caisleán Uí Cheallaigh |
2 | Reel | Kerry Reel |
The Green Fields of Rossbeigh |
3 | Reel | Green Mountain |
The Green Mountain |
10 | 1 | Air | Anach Cuain |
Eanach Dhúin (Annaghdown) |
11 | 1 | JigD | Frost Is All Over |
The Frost is all Over [sic] |
2 | JigD | Kitty Lie Over |
Paddy's Return |
12 | 1 | Air | Mná Bhaile Loch a' Riach |
Mná Bhaile Loch a' Riach (The Women of Loughrea) |
13 | 1 | JigD | Cailleach an Airgid |
Cailleach an Airgid (The Hag with the Money) |
2 | JigD | Garrett Barry's |
Garrett Barry's Jig |
14 | 1 | Air | Bonny Bunch of Roses |
The Bonny Bunch of Roses |
2 | Hpipe | Miss Galvin's |
The Sally Gardens |
15 | 1 | Reel | Bucks of Oranmore |
The Bucks of Oranmore |
2 | Reel | George White's Favourite |
George White's Favourite |