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Artist Name | Dáithí Sproule |
Album Title | The Crow in the Sun |
Musicians | Dáithí Sproule (guitar) |
Source and other information | New Folk Records NFR0122, 2007. Notes by Dáithí Sproule. Recorded in Minneapolis, Minnesota. |
Track | Tune | ? Rhythm |
Link to verified tune identity | Titles as listed on this album |
1 | 1 | Piece | An Teach Bán |
An Teach Bán |
2 | 1 | Song | Johnny Seoighe |
Johnny Seoighe |
3 | 1 | Piece | Tune for Mairéad and Anna Ní Mhaonaigh |
Tune for Mairéad and Anna Ní Mhaonaigh |
4 | 1 | Piece | Humours of Lauderdale |
The Humours of Lauderdale |
2 | Piece | Roseville |
The Roseville |
5 | 1 | Air | Young Catherine |
Young Catherine |
2 | Piece | Red Van |
The Red Van |
6 | 1 | Piece | Tourish's Wedding |
Tourish's Wedding |
7 | 1 | Piece | Lady from York |
The Lady from York |
2 | Piece | Angela |
Angela's Jig |
8 | 1 | Piece | David's Guitar |
David's Guitar |
9 | 1 | Piece | A Shot of Ry |
A Shot of Ry |
10 | 1 | Piece | Taylors Falls |
Taylors Falls |
11 | 1 | Piece | Mistletoe Farmer |
The Mistletoe Farmer |
12 | 1 | Air | Crow in the Sun |
The Crow in the Sun |