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Artist Name | Ditherum |
Album Title | Reeling between Bars |
Musicians | Catherine Drapier (vocals, guitar), Eileen Healy (vocals, guitar), Edel Sullivan (fiddle), Pádraig Kelleher (flute), Donal Lyons (percussion), with Ray Coveney (bodhrán), Martin Twomey (accordion) |
Source and other information | Ditherum, no date. Date unknown. Audiocassette acquired in March 1992 in Cork, Ireland. Only the few Irish traditional tracks are indexed here. |
Track | Tune | ? Rhythm |
Link to verified tune identity | Titles as listed on this album |
A.1 | 1 | Reel | Duke of Leinster |
Duke of Leinster Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |
2 | Reel | Providence Reel |
Providence Reel Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |
A.6 | 1 | Slide | Big Red Bus |
Big Red Bus Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |
2 | Slide | Waiting for Barry |
Waiting for Barry Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |
3 | Slide | Big Bright Eyes |
Big Bright Eyes Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |
B.1 | 2 | Reel | Doctor Gilbert |
[1st tune in a set titled:] John Doherty's Performer: Edel (fiddle) |
3 | Reel | Emyvale |
[2nd tune in a set titled:] John Doherty's Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |
B.4 | 1 | Schot | Macroom Lasses |
The Macroom Lasses Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |
2 | Reel | Drunken Landlady |
E minor Reel Performer: Pádraig (flute), Edel (fiddle) |