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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Friel Sisters by The Friel Sisters

Basic album data
Artist NameThe Friel Sisters
Album TitleThe Friel Sisters
MusiciansAnna Friel (flute, whistle, vocals), Sheila Friel (pipes, flute, whistle, vocals), Clare Friel (fiddle, whistle, mouth organ, vocals), with Gearoid Ó Maonaigh (guitar), Seamus O'Kane (bodhrán), Griogair Labhruidh (guitar)
Source and
other information
[Self-published] FRL001, no date. Recorded Summer 2013 in Doire na Mainsear, Co. Donegal and launched 30 December 2013, according to <http://frielmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Press-Release.pdf> accessed 3 December 2023.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD Helvic Head
Helvic Head
2 JigD I Buried My Wife and Danced on Top of Her
I Buried My Wife and Danced on Top of Her
3 JigD Fraher's
21 Reel Jenny Picking Cockles
Jenny Picking Cockles
2 Reel Billy Brocker's
Billy Brocker's
3 Reel Congress Reel
The Congress Reel
31 Song Tir Chonaill
Tir Chonaill
41 March Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine
Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine
2 March Battle of Aughrim
Battle of Aughrim
51 JigD Humours of Ballyloughlin
Humours of Ballyloughlin / The Hurlers' March
2 JigD Rakes of Clonmel
Rakes of Clonmel
3 JigD Kilkenny Jig
Kilkenny Jig
61 Song Méiltí Cheann Dubhrann
The Blue Hills of Antrim
71 Reel Bunker Hill
Bunker Hill
2 Reel Holy Land
The Holy Land
3 Reel Pinch of Snuff
The Pinch of Snuff
Song Eighteen Years Old
Eighteen Years Old
91 Waltz Mrs. Kenny's
Mrs Kenny's Waltz / Mrs Kenny's
2 Waltz Eddie O'Gara's Waltz
Eddie O'Gara's
101 Reel Noon Lasses
The Noone Lasses / The Loone Lasses
2 Reel Big John's Reel
Big John's Reel
3 Reel Kitty the Hare
Kitty the Hare
111 Song Ni Fheicim Nios Mó Thu A Mhúirnín
Ní fheicfear níos mó thú a mhuirnín
121 Reel Jenny's Welcome to Charlie
Jenny's Welcome to Charlie
Performer: Clare (fiddle)
2 Reel Star of Munster
The Star of Munster
Performer: Clare (fiddle)
131 JigD Contentment Is Wealth
Contentment is Wealth
Performer: (D whistles)
2 JigD Headwood Crossing
Liam O'Connor's
3 JigD Winnie Hayes's Jig
Winnie Hayes'
141 Song When My Love and I Parted
When My Love and I Parted
151 Hland Neillidh Ó Baoighill's
The Rosses Highland
2 Reel Jolly Tinker
The Jolly Tinker
3 Reel Sailing into Walpole's Marsh
Sailing into Walpole's Marsh
4 Reel Flowers of Red Hill
Flowers of Red Hill
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