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Album Contents: Tús Nua by Gatehouse

Basic album data
Artist NameGatehouse
Album TitleTús Nua
MusiciansRachel Garvey (vocals), Jacinta McEvoy (concertina, guitar), John Wynne (flute, whistle), John McEvoy (fiddle, viola, piano), with Cyril O'Donoghue (bouzouki), Dónal O'Connor (harpsichord, piano), Séamus O'Kane (bodhrán)
Source and
other information
Gael Linn CEFCD 210, 2016. Recorded in Belfast and Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare. Released by 4 November 2016 according to <https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1351230518229460&set=a.1052010894818092> accessed 4 January 2025.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Song An Spailpín Fánach
Spailpín Fánach
21 Reel Jimmy Giblin's
Jimmy Giblin's
2 Reel Pride of Rathmore
The Gneevguilla Reel / The Price Of Rathmore
3 Reel Patsy Sean Nancy's
The Casagh Reel
31 Song Slán agus Beannacht
Slán agus Beannacht
41 JigD Frost Is All Over
[package:] The Frost is all Over / [in booklet:] The Frost as all Over
2 JigD Mouse in the Cupboard
The Mouse in the Cupboard
51 Song Dobbyn's Flowery Vale
Dobbyn's Flowery Vale
61 Piece Tús Nua
Tús Nua
Air Easter Snow
Easter Snow
81 Fling Drummer Boy
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Laddie with the Pladdie / [title given for this particular tune:] The Drummer Boy
2 Fling Drummer Boy
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Laddie with the Pladdie / [title given for this particular tune:] The Laddie with the Pladdie
91 Song Casadh an tSúgáin
Casadh an tSúgáin
101 Mzrka Joe Ryan's Mazurka
Joe Ryan's Mazurka
2 Reel Buckley's Fancy
Buckley's Fancy
3 Reel Laurel Tree
The Laurel Tree
111 Song Ploughboy
The Ploughboy
121 JigD Girls from the Gatehouse
The Girls from the Gatehouse
Performer: John M. (fiddle)
2 JigD Tynagh Jig
James Murray's Jig
Performer: John W. (flute)
3 JigD Laughing Spoons
The Laughing Spoons
131 Song Trip Over the Mountain
Over the Mountain
141 Reel Larry Lavin's Choice
The Bullock on the Bonnet
2 Reel Leitrim Thrush
The Leitrim Thrush
3 Reel Sligo Reel
Murray's No. 1 / The Sligo Reel
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