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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: II by Guidewires

Basic album data
Artist NameGuidewires
Album TitleII
MusiciansPádraig Rynne (concertina), Sylvain Barou (flute, pipes, biniou kozh), Tóla Custy (fiddle, viola), Paul McSherry (guitar), Karol Lynch (bouzouki, banjo, mandolin), with Triona Ní Dhomhnaill (vocals, keyboards), Erwan Hamon (bombarde), Mike Shimmin (drums, percussion), Alain Genty (fretless bass)
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other information
Guidewires GWMCD002, no date. Released "March 2011" according to guidewiresmusic.com, viewed 30 April 2011. Recorded in Ennis, Co. Clare. Not indexed here: track 1 (Cailean's), track 2 (As Crechas), 1st tune on track 3 (Bail me out), track 5 (King of the Scals), track 6 (Ridées), track 7 (Law Abiding Musician), track 9 (Buoy M5), 3rd and 4th tunes on track 11 (The Mobile Candelabra, P's Led Balloon), and 2nd tune on track 13 (Ballintrillick Rising).

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
Piece Bail Me Out
[1st tune in a set titled:] Hats off to Dod / [title given for this particular tune:] Bail Me Out
Performer: Pádraig (concertina)
JigSl Hats off to Dod
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Hats off to Dod / [title given for this particular tune:] Hats off to Dod
3 JigSl Warmth of Summer
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Hats off to Dod / [title given for this particular tune:] Warmth of Summer
41 Song Selkie
The Selkie
Performer: Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill
81 Song Mo Mhaire
Mo Mhaire
Performer: Tríona Ní Dhomhnaill
101 Reel Garrett Barry's
[1st tune in a set titled:] Eff Reels / [title given for this particular tune:] Garret Barry's
Performer: 1st time Pádraig Rynne (Eb/Bb concertina)
2 Reel Hanly's Tweed
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Eff Reels / [title given for this particular tune:] Hanley's Tweed
Performer: Sylvain Barou (F flute)
3 Reel John Brennan's
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Eff Reels / [title given for this particular tune:] John Brennan's
JigD Thelma and Louise Kick Up Their Heels
[1st tune in a set titled, in liner notes:] P's Led Balloon / [set title on cover:] The Mobile Candelabra / [title given for this tune:] Thelma & Louise kick up their heels
Performer: Tóla Custy (fiddle)
2 SgJig Slide Rule
[2nd tune in a set titled, in liner notes:] P's Led Balloon / [set title on cover:] The Mobile Candelabra / [title given for this tune:] / Slide Rule
Performer: Pádraig Rynne (concertina)
121 Waltz Caoimhin
131 Reel Mercury Falling
[1st tune in a set titled:] Mercury Falling / [title given for this particular tune:] Mercury Falling
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