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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Drioball na Fáinleoige by Johnny Connolly

Basic album data
Artist NameJohnny Connolly
Album TitleDrioball na Fáinleoige
MusiciansJohnny Connolly (melodeon, accordion, vocals), with Charlie Lennon (fiddle, piano), Steve Cooney (guitar, piano), Nóirín Ní Ghrádaigh (fiddle)
Source and
other information
Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 127, 1998. Recorded in Ceann Trá, Co. Kerry.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Swallow's Tail
The Swallow's Tail / Drioball na Fáinleoige
Performer: (melodeon)
21 JigD Cailleach an Airgid
'Sí Do Mhamó Í
Performer: (melodeon), with Charlie Lennon (fiddle)
2 JigSl Cock and the Hen
Gan Ainm
Performer: (melodeon), with Charlie Lennon (fiddle)
31 Fling Road to Glountane
Cous Teehan's
Performer: (melodeon)
2 SetD Blackbird
The Blackbird / An Londubh
Performer: (melodeon)
41 Reel Cooley's
Cooley's / Ríl Joe Cooley
Performer: (melodeon)
2 Reel Come West along the Road
Come West Along the Road / Tar Siar an Bóthar
Performer: (melodeon)
51 Polka Maid of Ardagh
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Annabla Polkas 2 & 1 / [set title also listed as:] Polcaí Abhainn na Bláth 2 & 1
Performer: (melodeon)
2 Polka Toormore #1
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Annabla Polkas 2 & 1 / [set title also listed as:] Polcaí Abhainn na Bláth 2 & 1
Performer: (melodeon)
61 JigSl Little Fair Cannavans
[on back of booklet, correctly:] Na Ceannabháin Bhána / [in notes, mistakenly:] Tabhair Dúinn Deoch Uisce / [in notes, mistakenly:] Give us a Drink of Water
Performer: (C melodeon)
2 JigD Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh
[on back of booklet, correctly:] Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh / [in notes, mistakenly:] Ó hArgadáin an Fidléir / [in notes, mistakenly:] Hardiman the Fiddler
Performer: (C melodeon)
71 Air Amhrán Mhaínse
Amhrán Mhaínse
Performer: (accordion)
81 Reel [untitled]
[1st tune in a set titled:] Ríleanna Chois Fharraige
Performer: (accordion)
2 Reel [untitled]
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Ríleanna Chois Fharraige
Performer: (accordion)
91 JigSl Give Us a Drink of Water
[on back of booklet, correctly:] Give Us a Drink of Water / [in notes, mistakenly:] Na Ceannabháin Bhána
Performer: (C melodeon)
2 JigSl Hardiman the Fiddler
[on back of booklet, correctly:] Hardiman the Fiddler / [in notes, mistakenly:] Ó hArgadáin an Fidléir / [in notes, mistakenly:] Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh / [intended Irish title misplaced at track 6 notes:] Ó hArgadáin an Fidléir
Performer: (C melodeon)
101 Slide Pete Bradley's
[on back of booklet, the presumably intended title:] Kiely Cotter's / [in notes, apparently accidentally placed here:] The Bridge of Athlone / [the intended Irish title, just misplaced:] Sleamhnán Kiely Cotter
Performer: (B row of accordion)
2 Slide Bridge of Athlone
[on back of booklet, correctly:] The Bridge of Athlone / [in notes, apparently accidentally placed here:] Kiely Cotter's / [the intended Irish title, just misplaced:] Droichead Átha Luain
Performer: (B row of accordion)
3 Slide Cúil Aodha
The Cúil Aodha Slide / Sleamhnán Chúil Aodha
Performer: (B row of accordion)
111 Reel That's Right Too
[1st tune in a set titled:] "The Trip to Barbados / [titles given for this particular tune:] An Turas go Barbados" / That's Right Too
Performer: (melodeon), with Nóirín Ní Ghrádaigh (fiddle)
2 Reel Leading Role
[2nd tune in a set titled:] "The Trip to Barbados / [titles given for this particular tune:] An Turas go Barbados" / The Leading Role
Performer: (melodeon), with Nóirín Ní Ghrádaigh (fiddle)
121 Song Johnny Seoighe
Johnny Seoighe
Performer: (vocals, melodeon)
131 Hpipe Bee's Wing
The Bee's Wing / Sciathán na Beiche
Performer: (C melodeon)
2 Hpipe High Level
The High Level Hornpipe / Cornphíopa an Ardleibhéil
Performer: (C melodeon)
141 JigD [untitled]
[1st tune in a set titled:] Poirt Inis Bearacháin
Performer: (C melodeon)
2 JigD Inis Bearachaín
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Poirt Inis Bearacháin
Performer: (C melodeon)
151 Reel Bucks of Oranmore
The Bucks of Oranmore / Bocanna Órán Móir
Performer: (melodeon), with Charlie Lennon (fiddle)
161 JigD Friendly Robin
The Friendly Robin / An Spideog Cairdiúil
Performer: (melodeon), with Charlie Lennon (fiddle)
2 JigD Dawn Chorus
The Dawn Chorus / Cór na Breacmhaidine
Performer: (melodeon), with Charlie Lennon (fiddle)
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