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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Irish Traditional Fiddle Music by John and James Kelly with Michael Crehan and Michael Gavin

Basic album data
Artist NameJohn and James Kelly with Michael Crehan and Michael Gavin
Album TitleIrish Traditional Fiddle Music
MusiciansJames Kelly (fiddle), John Kelly (fiddle), with Michael Crehan (pipes), Michael Gavin (flute)
Source and
other information
Outlet PTICD 1041, no date. Reissue of Tara 1008, 1974. Outlet failed to include any source information with this release. See IRTRAD archives for full album history. Recorded in late 1973. Notes by Eamon de Buitlear. I have confirmed that the following release has exactly the same contents as listed here: Disc 3, titled "John & James Kelly" of the 10-CD package Celtic Souls. Irish Celtic Ballads & Traditional Music, licensed by IML Irish Music Licensing, n.d., released 5 September 2006 according to Amazon.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Slide Star above the Garter
[1st tune in a set titled:] Lisheen Slides
Performer: with Michael Crehan (pipes)
2 Slide Lisheen
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Lisheen Slides
Performer: with Michael Crehan (pipes), Michael Gavin (flute)
21 JigSl Humours of Derrycrosane
Foxhunter's Jig
31 SetD Ace and Deuce of Pipering
Ace and Deuce of Piping
41 JigD Jackson's Jig
Jackson's Jig
2 JigD Three Little Drummers
Up Sligo
51 JigD Monaghan Jig
Monaghan Jig, The
61 Strath Peter Baillie
[1st tune in a set titled:] John Doherty's Selection
2 Reel Maids of Tullyknockbrine
[2nd tune in a set titled:] John Doherty's Selection
71 Reel Dublin Porter
Dublin Porter
2 Reel Ballymahon Reel
Ballymahon Reel
81 Reel West Wind
The West Wind
Performer: with Michael Crehan (pipes)
2 Reel Gorman's
Sporting Nell / Gorman's Reel
Performer: with Michael Gavin (flute), Michael Crehan (pipes)
91 JigD Old Grey Goose
The Old Grey Goose
101 BDnce Glenbeigh
Curlew Hills Polka
2 BDnce James Gannon's
James Cannon's Barndance
111 Reel Caher Rua
Ceathru Cavan
2 Reel Wild Irishman
The Wild Irishman / The West Clare
121 Reel Jackson's Reel
Jackson's Reel
2 Reel Jackson's
Boys of Ballisodare
131 JigD Petticoat Loose
Strop the Razor / Strap the Razor
Performer: with Michael Crehan (pipes), Michael Gavin (flute)
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