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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Heir of the Dog by James Keane

Basic album data
Artist NameJames Keane
Album TitleHeir of the Dog
MusiciansJames Keane (accordion), with Eamon O'Leary (guitar, bouzouki), Kathleen Boyle (piano), Tom English (bodhrán), Greg Anderson (guitar)
Source and
other information
New Folk Records NFR 1552, no date. Recorded 7 and 8 April 2012 in New York City. Launched 12 July 2012 in Miltown Malbay according to this Irish Echo article, but apparently released a bit earlier. The publisher submitted a copy to irishtune.info that was postmarked 28 June 2012.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Jimmy Giblin's
Jimmy Giblin's
2 Reel Drag Her around the Road
Throw it Across / Drag Her 'Round the Road / The Pullet and the Cock
3 Reel Humours of Toomagh
The Humours of Toomagh / The Cloone Reel
21 Reel Ladies' Pantalettes
The Ladies Pantalettes / The Duke of Leinster's Wife
2 Reel Shepherd's Daughter
The Shepherd's Daughter
3 Reel Kilty Town
Kilty Town
31 JigD Sliabh Russell
Slieve Russell
2 JigD Old Tipperary
Old Tipperary
3 JigD Hungry Rocks
The Hungry Rocks
41 Hpipe Humours of Tullycrine
The Humours of Tullycrine / The Road to Golleen / Sruthán Á Chait (The Cat's Stream)
2 Hpipe Duet
The New Phone
51 Reel McGettrick's
Spindle Shanks
2 Reel John Brennan's
John Brennan's
3 Reel Humours of Loughrea
The Humours of Loughrea
61 JigD Woods of Old Limerick
The Woods of Old Limerick
2 JigD Scully Casey's
Scully Casey's
3 JigD Sturgeon
The Sturgeon
71 Air Brian the Brave
O'Carolan's Dream / O'Carolan's Farewell to Music
81 Reel Joys of Summer
The Joys of Summer
2 Reel Ferny Hill
Ferny Hill
3 Reel Old Wexford
The Old Wexford
91 Reel Julia Delaney
Julia Delaney's
2 Reel Pretty Molly
Pretty Molly
3 Reel Bill McEvoy's No.1
Bill McEvoy's #1
101 JigD Tommy Mulhair's
Tommy Mulhair's
2 JigD Josie's Visit
Josie's Visit
3 JigD Legacy
The Legacy / Larry Redican's
111 Reel Graf Spee
The Grand Spey / The Rothiemurcus Reel / The Grand Spy / The Graf Spee / Grant of Strathspey
2 Reel Galtee Reel
The Galtee
3 Reel Lucky in Love
Lucky in Love / I'll Gang Nae Mair to Yon Toon
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