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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: In Flow by Jack Talty

Basic album data
Artist NameJack Talty
Album TitleIn Flow
MusiciansJack Talty (concertina), with John Blake (guitar), Ruairí McGorman (bouzouki)
Source and
other information
Raelach Records RR010, 2016. Recorded in Lissycasey, Co. Clare. Released 11 November 2016 according to <https://raelachrecords.bandcamp.com/album/in-flow> accessed 30 November 2024.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD Molloy's Favourite
Moss Martin's
2 JigD Humours of Mullingar
The Humours of Mullingar
21 Reel Bubbling Wine
The Bubbling Wine
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
2 Reel Jimmy Giblin's
The Flowery Fields of Scotland / Brian Rooney's
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
3 Reel Sailor on the Rock
The Sailor on the Rock / Johnny with the Queer Thing
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
31 JigD Edward the Seventh
Edward the Seventh
2 JigD Joy of My Life
The Joy of My Life
3 JigD Seán Buí
Seán Buí
41 Reel Morning Star
The Morning Star
Performer: (A/E concertina)
2 Reel Rising Sun
The Rising Sun
Performer: (A/E concertina)
51 Air :lga Bóthar Cluain Meala
Bóthar Cluain Meala
Performer: (Bb/F concertina)
61 Reel Trip to Girona
The Trip To Girona [sic]
2 Reel Night of the Feast
The Night of the Feast
71 JigSl Racha Do Dheaide Go Sydeney
Racha Do Dheaide Go Sydeney
Performer: (A/E concertina)
2 JigSl Wily Willow
The Wily Willow
Performer: (A/E concertina)
81 Reel Heather Breeze
The Heathery Breeze
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
2 Reel Rakish Paddy
Rakish Paddy
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
91 Waltz Stephen's Waltz
Stephen's Waltz
Performer: (Bb/F concertina)
101 Hpipe Mrs Crotty's
Mrs. Crotty's
2 Hpipe Ballygriffin Hornpipe
The Ballygriffin Hornpipe
111 JigD Donncha Ó Loinsigh's
Donncha Ó Loinsigh's
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
2 JigD Kilglass Lakes
Kilglass Lakes
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
3 JigD Hearty Boys of Ballymote
The Hearty Boys of Ballymote
Performer: (C#/G# concertina)
121 Reel Dowd's Favourite
O'Dowd's Favourite
2 Reel Hughie's Cap
Hughie's Cap
3 Reel Sailor's Bonnet
The Sailor's Bonnet
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