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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Sligo Fiddler by John Vesey

Basic album data
Artist NameJohn Vesey
Album TitleSligo Fiddler
MusiciansJohn Vesey (fiddle), with Austin Kelly (fiddle), Michael McIntyre (flute), Ed Cahill (flute, piccolo), Tom Standeven (fiddle, pipes, piano), Canice Fahy (flute), Ed Lee (piano)
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N.p., 1998. Recorded at various locations in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania between 1954 and 1975, except track 2.22 recorded in San Diego, California in 1995. Notes by Tom Standeven and F. James Taylor.

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Titles as listed on this album
Reel Bonnie Kate
Bonnie Kate
2 Reel Hut in the Bog
Killoran's Reel
1.21 JigD Scotsman over the Border
Scotsman over the Border
Performer: with Austin Kelly (fiddle)
2 JigD Tenpenny Bit
The Tenpenny Bit
Performer: with Austin Kelly (fiddle)
1.31 Reel McFadden's
McFadden's / McFadden's Reel
2 Reel Music in the Glen
Music in the Glen
1.41 Reel Morning Dew
The Morning Dew
2 Reel Woman of the House
The Lady of the House
1.51 Reel Connemara Stockings
Apples in Winter / Connemara Stockings
2 Reel Ash Plant
The Ash Plant
1.61 Reel Imelda Roland's
The Sligo Reel
2 Reel London Lasses
The London Lasses
1.71 Hpipe Harvest Home
The Harvest Home
2 Hpipe Derry Hornpipe
The Derry Hornpipe
1.81 Reel Maid of Mount Kisco
The Maid of Mt. Kisco
Performer: with Michael McIntyre (flute)
2 Reel Hunter's Purse
An Sgeach / The Bush / The Five-Leafed Clover
Performer: with Michael McIntyre (flute)
1.91 SetD King of the Fairies
The King of the Fairies
1.101 JigD Gold Ring
The Gold Ring
2 JigD Tobin's Favorite
Tobin's Favorite
1.111 Reel Connemara Stockings
Apples in Winter
2 Reel Templehouse
The Templehouse
1.121 Hpipe Byrne's Hornpipe
2 Hpipe Tommy Hill's Favourite
Tommy Hill's
1.131 Reel Pigeon on the Gate
The Pigeon on the Gate
2 Reel Miss Monaghan
Miss Monaghan
1.141 Reel Roaring Mary
Roaring Mary
2 Reel Maids of Castlebar
The Gatehouse Maid / The Falls of Ballisodare
1.151 Reel Galway Rambler
Finley's Fancy / The Galway Rambler
2 Reel London Lasses
The London Lassies
1.161 JigD Lilting Banshee
The Miller of Glenmire / Lay Her Down Easy
Performer: with Tom Standeven (fiddle), Ed Cahill (flute)
2 JigD Joy of My Life
The Joy of My Life / The Donnybrook Fair
Performer: with Tom Standeven (fiddle), Ed Cahill (flute)
1.171 Reel Mountain Top
The Mountaintop
Performer: with Ed Cahill (flute)
2 Reel Tom Ward's Downfall
Tom Ward's Downfall / Bascadh Thomáis Mhic a' Bháird
Performer: with Ed Cahill (flute)
1.181 Reel Copperplate
The Copperplate / Caber Feidh / Stag's Antlers
Performer: Ed Cahill (flute)
1.191 Reel Hunter's Purse
An Sgeach (The Bush)
Performer: with Ed Cahill (piccolo)
2 Reel Fermoy Lasses
The Fermoy Lasses
Performer: with Ed Cahill (piccolo)
1.201 Reel Lord Gordon's
Lord Gordon's Reel
1.211 JigSl Kid on the Mountain
The Kid on the Mountain
2.11 Reel Bunker Hill
Bunker Hill
2 Reel Rakish Paddy
Rakish Paddy
3 Reel Wheels of the World
The Wheels of the World
2.21 Reel Earl's Chair
The Earl's Chair
2 Reel Swallow's Tail
The Swallow's Tail
2.31 Reel Dinny O'Brien's
Dinny O'Brien's
2 Reel Farewell to Connaught
Farewell to Connacht
2.41 Reel Humours of Lissadell
The Humors of Lissadell
2 Reel Sweeney's Dream
Sweeney's Dream
2.51 Reel Doctor Gilbert
Doctor Gilbert
2 Reel Queen of May
The Queen of May
2.61 Reel Jolly Tinker
The Jolly Tinker
Performer: with Tom Standeven (pipes)
2 Reel Pretty Girls of Mayo
The Pretty Girls of Mayo
Performer: with Tom Standeven (pipes)
2.71 JigD Geese in the Bog
The Geese in the Bog / The Lark's March
2.81 Reel Jenny's Welcome to Charlie
Jennie's Welcome to Charlie
2.91 Reel Concert Reel
The Concert Reel
2 Reel Tuttle's Reel
The Windy Gap / Custom Gap
2.101 Reel Lads of Laois
The Lads of Leith / Na gearrbhodaí Laoise (The Lads of Leix)
2 Reel Martin Wynne's
Martin Wynne's Reel
2.111 Reel Sporting Paddy
The Clare Reel / Sporting Paddy
2 Reel London Lasses
The London Lasses
3 Reel Mountain Road
[3rd in a track with only 2 titles given:] "The Clare Reel - The London Lasses"
2.121 Reel Maid of Mount Kisco
The Maid of Mt. Kisco
2 Reel Hunter's Purse
An Sgeach (The Bush)
3 Reel Jolly Tinker
[3rd tune in track given only two titles:] "The Maid of Mt. Kisco - An Sgeach (The Bush)
4 Reel Pretty Girls of Mayo
[4th tune in track given only two titles:] "The Maid of Mt. Kisco - An Sgeach (The Bush)
2.131 Reel Dash to Portobello
The Dash to Portobello
Performer: with Tom Standeven (fiddle)
2.141 Reel George White's Favourite
The Lasses of Carracastle / George White's Favorite
Performer: with Ed Cahill (C# flute)
2 Reel Tim Moloney's
[liner notes:] Tim Maloney's / [title omitted on tray label, where the track title is only:] The Dash to Portobello
Performer: with Ed Cahill (C# flute)
2.151 JigD Old Man Dillon
Old Man Dillon (The Mug of Brown Ale)
Performer: with Ed Cahill (C# flute)
2 JigD Butcher's March
The Butcher's March
Performer: with Ed Cahill (C# flute)
2.161 Reel Tailor's Thimble
The Tailor's Thimble / Méarachán an Táilliúra
Performer: with Ed Cahill (C# flute)
2 Reel Red-Haired Lass
The Redhaired Lass
Performer: with Ed Cahill (C# flute)
2.171 SetD St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day in the Morning
Performer: The John Vesey Trio: John Vesey (fiddle), Canice Fahy (flute), Tom Standeven (pipes)
2.181 March I Won't Be a Nun
O'Sullivan Mor / I'll Marry and Won't be a Nun
Performer: The John Vesey Trio: John Vesey (fiddle), Canice Fahy (flute), Tom Standeven (pipes)
2.191 Hpipe Ballyoran
The Ballyoran
Performer: The John Vesey Trio: John Vesey (fiddle), Canice Fahy (flute), Tom Standeven (pipes)
2.201 Reel Tom Ward's Downfall
Tom Ward's Downfall
Performer: with Martin Wynne (fiddle)
2 Reel Boys of Ballisodare
The Boys of Ballisodare
Performer: with Martin Wynne (fiddle)
2.211 Reel Down the Broom
Down the Broom
Performer: The John Vesey Trio: John Vesey (fiddle), Canice Fahy (flute), Tom Standeven (pipes)
2 Reel Gatehouse Maid
The Gatehouse Maid
Performer: The John Vesey Trio: John Vesey (fiddle), Canice Fahy (flute), Tom Standeven (pipes)
2.221 Song Raibh Tú ag an gCarraig?
An Raibh Tú ag an gCarraig? (Were You at the Rock?)
Performer: Tom Standeven (pipes)
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