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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Under the Diamond by The Kane Sisters

Basic album data
Artist NameThe Kane Sisters
Album TitleUnder the Diamond
MusiciansLiz Kane (fiddle), Yvonne Kane (fiddle), with John Blake (guitar), Mick Conneely (bouzouki), James Blennerhassett (double bass)
Source and
other information
Dawros Music DM002, 2004. "Mixed, Mastered, and Engineered by Paul Gurney at LG Studios, Longford April 2004," which may imply that recording took place then, too.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD Mick Cooney's Fancy
Mike Cooney's Fancy
2 JigD Newtown Bridge
The Newtown Bridge
3 JigD Lakes of Killarney
The Lakes of Killarney
21 Reel Paddy Fahey's Reel No. 7
Fahey's [sic]
2 Reel Fahey's
Fahey's [sic]
3 Reel Wild Swans at Coole
The Wild Swans at Coole
31 Reel High Road to Glin
The High Road to Glin
2 Reel Low Road to Glin
The Low Road to Glin
3 Reel Whistler of Rosslea
The Whistler of Rosslea
41 Hpipe Paddy Fahey's Hornpipe No. 1
2 Hpipe Acrobat
The Acrobat
51 JigD Over the Hills
The Jolly Corkonian
2 JigD Ahern's Egg
Aherne's Egg / Ahern's Egg
3 JigD Coming of Spring
The Coming of Spring
61 Reel Farewell to Miltown Malbay
Farewell to Miltown
Performer: Liz (fiddle)
2 Reel Wheels of the World
The Wheels of the World
Performer: Liz (fiddle)
71 Song Seán Ó Duibhir an Ghleanna
Sean O' Duibhir a Ghleanna
81 Reel Paddy Fahys
2 Reel Ryan's Rant
Ryan's Rant
3 Reel Hut in the Bog
The Hut in in the Bog
91 JigD Jig for Jimmy
Jig for Jimmy
2 JigD Betsy's Delight
Betsy's Delight
101 Reel Red Tom of the Hills
Red Tom of the Hills
Performer: Yvonne (fiddle)
2 Reel Paddy Fahey's Reel No. 18
Performer: Yvonne (fiddle)
111 Reel Paddy Fahey's Reel No. 11
2 Reel Paddy Fahey's Reel No. 25
121 Waltz Old Time Waltz
Old Time Waltz
131 Reel Jug of Punch
The Jug of Punch
2 Reel Fred Finn's
Fred Finn's
3 Reel Maghera Mountain
The Maghera Mountain
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