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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Spectacle Bridge by Michael Hynes and Denis Liddy

Basic album data
Artist NameMichael Hynes and Denis Liddy
Album TitleThe Spectacle Bridge
MusiciansMichael Hynes (flute), Denis Liddy (fiddle), with Jack Talty (piano), Eoin O'Neill (bouzouki)
Source and
other information
[Self-published], n.d. Presumably recorded and released in 2008, based on the various dates mentioned in the printed matter. Recorded in Lissycasey, Co. Clare.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Knockauns
The Knockauns
2 Reel Spectacle Bridge
The Spectacle Bridge
21 JigD Lilting Fisherman
The Lilting Fisherman
2 JigD [untitled]
3 JigD [untitled]
31 Reel McHugh's
2 Reel Caucus at Secaucus
The Caucus Reel
3 Reel Peter Flanagan's
Peter Flanagan's
41 Air Fonn an Chéitinnigh
Fonn an Chéitinnigh
Performer: Denis (viola)
51 Reel [untitled]
2 Hpipe Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back
Annie Russell's
3 Reel [untitled]
61 JigD Kerry Jig
Sean Dwyer's
Performer: Matt (whistle)
2 JigD Ladies of Carrick
The Kildare Club
Performer: Matt (whistle)
3 SgJig Chicken That Made the Soup
Come Into The Town Fair Lady [sic]
Performer: Matt (whistle)
71 Polka Willie's Polka
Willie Clancy's
2 BDnce Kitty Sean's Barndance
Kitty Seán Cunningham's
81 Fling Drummer Boy
Performer: Denis (fiddle)
2 Fling Drummer Boy
The Drummer Boy
Performer: Denis (fiddle)
91 Waltz Ballyvaughan Bay
Ballyvaughan Bay
2 Waltz John Byrt's
John Byrt's
101 Air Dovecot
The Dovecot
Performer: Matt (flute)
111 Reel Mason's Apron
Micho's Mason Apron [sic]
2 Reel Jackie Coleman's
Jackie Coleman's
3 Reel Edenderry Reel
The Edenderry
121 Schot Mrs. Kenny's
Mrs Kenny's [sic]
2 BDnce Danny Meehan's
Danny Meehan's
131 Hpipe Smoky Chimney
The Smokey Chimney
2 Hpipe Flowing Tide
The Flowing Tide
141 JigD Mountain Brow
Paddy Killourhy's
2 JigD Smithstown Jaunt
The Smithstown Jaunt
151 Reel Rolling in the Ryegrass
The Shannon Breeze / Rolling In The Rye Grass [sic]
2 Reel Miss Dunbar
Miss Dunbar
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