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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Within a Mile o' Jamestown by Mick Mulvey

Basic album data
Artist NameMick Mulvey
Album TitleWithin a Mile o' Jamestown
MusiciansMick Mulvey (flute), with Simon Wroe (guitar), Pete Quinn (piano), Brian Rooney (fiddle), Reg Hall (piano), Karen Ryan (fiddle)
Source and
other information
Coolathuma 001, 2003. Recorded in London.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Kiss the Maid behind the Barrel
Kiss the Maid behind the Barrel
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 Reel Lucky in Love
Lucky in Love
Performer: (Eb flute)
3 Reel Bloom of Youth
The Bloom of Youth
Performer: (Eb flute)
21 Reel Farewell to Ireland
The Leitrim Thrush
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 Reel Noisy Curlew
Roger Sherlock's
Performer: (Eb flute)
3 Reel Father O'Grady's Visit to Bocca
Father O'Grady's Visit to Bocca
Performer: (Eb flute)
4 Reel Darby's Farewell to London
Darby's Farewell to London
Performer: (Eb flute)
31 JigD Willie Coleman's
Willie Coleman's
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 JigD Gold Ring
The Gold Ring
Performer: (Eb flute)
41 Air Lament for Oliver Goldsmith
Oliver Goldsmith's Lament
Performer: (D flute)
2 Hpipe Mullingar Races
The Broadway
Performer: (D flute)
3 Hpipe Plains of Boyle
The Plains of Boyle
Performer: (D flute)
51 Fling Primrose Lass
The Primrose Lass
Performer: (D flute), with Brian Rooney (fiddle)
2 Reel Craig's Pipes
[liner notes and tray label:] Cregg's Pipes / [back of booklet:] Creg's Pipes
Performer: (D flute), with Brian Rooney (fiddle)
3 Reel Tom Ward's Downfall
Tom Ward's Downfall
Performer: (D flute), with Brian Rooney (fiddle)
61 Reel Knotted Cord
Bridie Morley
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 Reel Corney Is Coming
Corney Is Coming / Packie Duignan's
Performer: (Eb flute)
71 JigD Mouse in the Cupboard
Duignan's Odd Jig
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 JigD Cailleach an Airgid
The Hag with the Money
Performer: (Eb flute)
3 JigD Mist on the Meadow
The Castlebar Jig / The Mist on the Meadows
Performer: (Eb flute)
81 Reel Elder Tree
[1st tune in a set titled:] Within a Mile o' Jamestown / [title given for this particular tune:] The Elder Tree
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 Reel Gerry Commane's
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Within a Mile o' Jamestown
Performer: (Eb flute)
3 Reel Miss Thornton's
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Within a Mile o' Jamestown / [titles given for this particular tune:] The House on the Hill / Miss Thornton's
Performer: (Eb flute)
91 Waltz Maguire & Patterson's [Maguire and Patterson's]
Maguire & Paterson
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 Waltz Belltable
The Belltable
Performer: (Eb flute)
101 Reel Coachman's Whip
The Coachman's Whip
Performer: (D flute), with Karen Ryan (fiddle)
2 Reel Tailor's Thimble
The Tailor's Thimble
Performer: (D flute), with Karen Ryan (fiddle)
3 Reel Red-Haired Lass
The Red-Haired Lass / The Red Haired Lass
Performer: (D flute), with Karen Ryan (fiddle)
111 JigD Tommy Maguire's #4
Tommy McGuire's #1
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 JigD Kilmovee Jig
Peter McAlinden's
Performer: (Eb flute)
121 Reel Tie the Bonnet
Tie the Bonnet
Performer: (D flute)
2 Reel Shoemaker's Daughter
The Shoemaker's Daughter
Performer: (D flute)
131 JigD Rakes of Clonmel
The Rakes of Clonmel
Performer: (D flute), with Brian Rooney (fiddle)
141 Reel Colonel Rogers
Cnl.Rodgers Favorite [sic]
Performer: (Eb flute)
2 Reel Happy Days of Youth
[2nd tune in a set titled:] McKenna's Reels / [title given for this particular tune:] The Happy Days of Youth
Performer: (Eb flute)
Reel Tie the Bonnet
[1st in unlabeled track]
Performer: (D flute)
Reel Shoemaker's Daughter
[2nd in unlabeled track]
Performer: (D flute)
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