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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Bráithre an Óil by Monks of the Screw

Basic album data
Artist NameMonks of the Screw
Album TitleBráithre an Óil
MusiciansTimmy O Connor (accordion), Paudy Scully (flute), John Drew (mandocello), Tim Browne (bouzouki)
Source and
other information
[Self-published] MKS001, n.d. Recorded at "Carrigdown Recording Studio," presumably in Co. Cork. The copy indexed here is a digital copy via Tim Browne of the original cassette publication, including a copy of the original liner notes. Although no dates are revealed on that material, various other websites cite 1991 as the date of publication.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
A.11 Polka Cascade
Cascade (An t-Eas)
Performer: Timmy (accordion)
2 Polka Newmarket
Billy Mahonys [sic]
A.21 JigD Down the Back Lane
Down the back lane (Siar An Cul Sraide)
2 JigD Gander in the Pratie Hole
The gander in the praty hole (An Gandal Sa Pholl Pratai)
A.31 Hpipe Cuckoo's Nest
The cuckoos nest [sic] (Nead Na Cuaiche)
Performer: Timmy (accordion)
2 Hpipe Tom Billy's
Tom Billys
A.41 Polka Taureen Derby Polka
Toureendarby Polka
2 Polka Brogeen
The Brogeen (An Brogin)
A.51 Waltz Ger Dan Mac's
Ger Dan Mac's
2 Waltz Pull Down the Blinds
Pull down the blinds (Tarraing anuas an dallog)
A.61 Reel Durang's Hornpipe
2 Reel Clogger's Quilt
Blossom Time Reel (Ril aimsir an blath)
A.71 Slide Johnny Mickys [sic for Johnny Mickey's]
Johnny Mickys [sic]
Performer: Timmy (accordion)
2 Slide Echoes of Killarney
The Drake (An Bardal)
A.81 JigD Connie the Soldier
Conny the Soldier
Performer: Paudy (flute)
2 JigD Connie the Soldier
Conny the Soldier
3 JigD House in the Glen
The house in the glen (An tig sa gleann)
B.11 JigD Farewell to Ballinahulla
Farewell to Ballinahulla (Slan le Baile na hOlla)
Performer: Paudy (flute)
2 JigD Hare in the Corn
Art O'Keeffes [sic]
B.21 Reel Reconciliation
The Reconciliation (An Reiteach)
2 Reel Mist of Sliabh Luachra
The Mist of Sliabh Luachra (Ceobhran Sliabh Luachra)
B.31 Hpipe Grand Old Man
The Grand Old Man (An Seanfhear Galanta)
Performer: 1st time Tim (bouzouki)
2 BDnce Gypsy Princess
The Gypsy Princess (An Banfhlaith Glofogach)
B.41 Polka Daly's Mill
Dalys Mill [sic] (Muileann Ui Dalaigh)
2 Polka Mountvara Bridge
Mountvara Bridge (Droichead Sliabh Vara)
B.51 JigD John Shines
John Shines [sic]
Performer: Timmy (accordion)
2 JigD Bill Sullivans Fancy
Bill Sullivans [sic] Fancy
B.61 Waltz Tom Billys [Tom Billy's]
Tom Billys [sic]
Performer: 1st time Paudy (flute)
2 Waltz Johnny Mickys [Johnny Mickey's]
Johnny Mickys [sic]
B.71 JigD Mylons Rock [Mylon's Rock]
Mylons Rock [sic]
2 JigD Leg of the Duck
The leg of the duck
B.81 Polka Old One
The Cuban
Performer: 1st time Tim (bouzouki)
2 Polka Jack Sweeney's
Con Tadhgo's
B.91 Slide Man from Glountane
Johnny Mickys [sic]
2 Slide Johnny Mickys
Johnny Mickys [sic]
Performer: 1st time Timmy (accordion)
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