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Album Contents: Reelin' in Tradition by Mick, Louise & Michelle Mulcahy

Basic album data
Artist NameMick, Louise & Michelle Mulcahy
Album TitleReelin' in Tradition
MusiciansMick Mulcahy (accordion, melodeon), Louise Mulcahy (flute, pipes), Michelle Mulcahy (concertina, fiddle, harp, piano), with Tommy Hayes (bodhrán, bones), Cyril O'Donoghue (bouzouki)
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Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 180, 2009. Recorded in Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare. With an introductory text by Martin Hayes. Released 10 July 2009 according to sticker on promo CDs.

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11 Reel Mullingar Races
Mullingar Races / Rásaí an Mhuilinn Chearr
2 Reel Tommy Coen's
Coen's Memories / Cuimhní Uí Chomhain
3 Reel Jim Donoghue's
Jim Donoghue's / Rogha Jim Uí Dhonnchú
21 JigD Munster Buttermilk
Munster Buttermilk / An Bhláthach Mhuimhneach
2 JigD Sheep in the Boat
The Sheep in the Boat / An Chaora sa Bhád
3 JigD Charlie Mulvihill's
Charlie Mulvihill's / Port Charlie Uí Mhaolmhichíl
31 Reel Drag Her around the Road
The Pullet / An Eireog
2 Reel Boys of Portaferry
The Boys of Portaferry / Buachaillí Phort an Pheire
3 Reel Dunmore Lasses
The Dunmore Lassies / Gearrchailí an Dúin Mhóir
41 Polka Galway Belle
Captain Moonlight's Army / Arm an Chaptaein Moonlight
2 Polka Tom Billy Murphy's
Tom Billy Murphy's / Polca Tom Billy Uí Mhurchú
3 Polka Nell Fees
Johnny O'Leary's
51 JigD Happy to Meet and Sorry to Part
Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part
Performer: Michelle (harp)
2 JigD Hardiman's Fancy
Martin Hardiman's
Performer: Michelle (harp)
61 Reel Crosses of Annagh
Down the Broom / Leag Uait an Scuab
Performer: Louise (flute)
2 Reel Bush in Bloom
The Bush in Bloom / An Sceach faoi Bhláth
Performer: Louise (flute)
71 JigD James McMahon's Favourite
James McMahon's / Port Shéamuis Mhic Mhathúna
2 JigD An Buachaillín Bán
The Fairhaired Boy / An Buachaillín Bán
3 JigD Up Leitrim
John McKenna's / Port Sheáin Mhic Cionnaith
81 Reel Devaney's Goat
Devanney's Goat / Gabhar an Dubhánaigh
Performer: Michelle (concertina)
2 Reel Flax in Bloom
The Flax in Bloom / An Líon faoi Bhláth
Performer: Michelle (concertina)
91 JigD Hughie Travers'
Hughie Travers / Port Aodh Uí Threabhair
Performer: Louise (C pipes), Michelle (fiddle)
2 JigD Frost Is All Over
What Would I Do if the Kettle Boiled Over? / Cad a Dhéanfainn dá gCuirfeadh an Citeal thar Maoil?
Performer: Louise (C pipes), Michelle (fiddle)
101 Hpipe Home Ruler
The Home Ruler / Fear an Rialtais Dúchais
2 Hpipe Birds
Jerry Daly's / Cornphíopa Jerry Uí Dhálaigh
111 Song Mountains of Pomeroy
Mountains of Pomeroy / Sléibhte Phomeroy
Performer: Michelle (harp)
121 Reel Mick O'Connor's
Mick O'Connor's / Ríl Mhick Uí Chonaire
2 Reel McDonagh's
McDonagh's / Ríl Mhic Dhonncha
3 Reel Patsy Hanley's
McCabe's / Ríl Mhic Cába
131 JigD Kitty Lie Over
Kitty Lie Over / Bog Anonn sa Leaba, a Chití / Paddy's Return
Performer: Mick (melodeon)
2 JigD An Ghaoth Aniar Aneas
Connie the Soldier / Connie an Saighdiúir / The South West Wind
Performer: Mick (melodeon)
141 Reel Lilies in the Field
The Sailor's Jacket / Seaicéad an Mhairnéalaigh
Performer: Louise (C pipes), Michelle (fiddle)
2 Reel Wexford Lasses
Wexford Lasses / Gearrchailí Loch Garman
Performer: Louise (C pipes), Michelle (fiddle)
151 JigD Malcolm's New Fiddle
Jerry Holland's / Port Jerry Uí Aoláin
2 JigD Humours of Rahey
Humours of Rahey / Pléaraca Ráth Aodha
3 JigD Banks of Newfoundland
Paddy Conneely's / Port Pháidí Uí Chonaola
161 Reel Maids of Castlebar
Maids of Castlebar / Gearrchailí Chaisleán an Bharraigh
2 Reel Toss the Feathers
Toss the Feathers / Croith na Cleití
3 Reel Lucy Campbell
Lucy Campbell / Ríl Luighseach Chaimbéal
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