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Album Contents: The Reel Note by Mick, Louise & Michelle Mulcahy

Basic album data
Artist NameMick, Louise & Michelle Mulcahy
Album TitleThe Reel Note
MusiciansMick Mulcahy (accordion, melodeon, concertina), Louise Mulcahy (flute, pipes), Michelle Mulcahy (concertina, fiddle, harp, piano)
Source and
other information
Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 202, 2016. Recorded in Loch Guitane, Killarney, Co. Kerry in 2016. Released at the Willie Clancy week in July 2016 (which would be 2 July-10 July) according to <https://www.independent.ie/regionals/kerry/lifestyle/hitting-the-reel-note-with-the-talented-mulcahy-family/34897423.html> accessed 28 November 2024.

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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD Rose in the Heather
The Rose in the Heather / An Rós sa bhFraoch
2 JigD Killavil Jig
The Killavil Jig / Port Chill Fhábhail
3 JigD An Buachaillín Buí
An Buachaillín Buí
21 Reel Ceo na gCnoc
The Fog on the Hill / Ceo na gCnoc
2 Reel Dave White's
Dave White's / Ríl Dave White
3 Reel Peg McGrath's Reel
Peg McGrath's / Ríl Pheig Mhig Craith
31 Hpipe Stack of Rye
Stack of Oats
2 Hpipe Nellie, Your Favor I'm Afraid I'll Not Gain
Nellie, Your Favor I'm Afraid I'll Not Gain / A Neilí, is eagal liom nach mbeidh lé agat liom
41 SetD Planxty Davis
Planxty Davis / Plancstaí Dháibhis
2 Reel Queen of May
The Queen of May / Banríon na Bealtaine
3 Reel Donald Blue
Johnny Henry's Favourite / An Ríl is Ansa le Johnny Henry / Donald Blue
51 Reel Rolling Hills of Brosna
The Rolling Hills of Brosna / Cnoic Dhroimneacha Bhrosna
Performer: Mick (accordion)
2 Reel Colonel McBain
Colonel McBain / An Coirnéal McBain
Performer: Mick (accordion)
61 JigD Fox in the Thatch
The Fox in the Thatch / An Sionnach sa Tuí
2 JigD Snow on the Mountain
The Snow on the Mountain / An Sneachta ar an Sliabh
3 JigD Kilglass Lakes
Killyglass Lakes / Lochanna Chill Ghlais
71 Reel Johnny Henry's
The Galway Rambler / Fánaí na Gaillimhe
2 Reel Morning Dew
The Morning Dew / Drúcht na Maidne
3 Reel Boston-Sligo Reel
The Boston Sligo Reel / Ríl Bhostúin Shligigh
81 Piece Eleanor Plunkett
Eleanor Plunkett / Neilí Pluincéad
Performer: Michelle (harp)
91 Reel Money Musk
The Three Sisters Reel / Ríl an Triúr Deirfiúracha
Performer: Mick (melodeon)
2 Reel Tap Room
Tap the Barrel / Bearnaigh an Bairille
Performer: Mick (melodeon)
3 Reel Tilly Finn's
The Killavil Reel / Ríl Chill Fhábhail
Performer: Mick (melodeon)
101 JigD Munster Jig
The Munster Jig / Port na Mumhan
2 JigD Old Hag You Have Killed Me
Old Hag, You Have Killed Me / A Chailleach, do Mharais Mé
3 JigD Humours of Lisheen
The Humours of Lisheen / Pléaraca an Lisín
111 Reel Forget Me Not
Forget Me Not / Ná Dearmad Mé
2 Reel McHugh's
McHugh's / Ríl Mhig Aoidh
3 Reel Fisherman's Lilt
The Missing Reel / An Ríl ar Lár
121 Hpipe Caisleán an Óir
Caisleán an Óir
2 Hpipe May Bán
May Bán
131 JigD Kitty Come Over
The Bold Thady Quill / Thady Dána Ó Coill
2 JigD Boys of Tandragee
The Boys of Tandragee / Buachaillí Thóin re Gaoith
3 JigD Celia's Jig
Celia's Jig / An Port is Ansa le Celia
141 Reel Cronin's Reel
John Kelly's The Belles of Tipperary / Leagan Sheáin Uí Cheallaigh de Spéirmhná Thiobraid Árann / Cronin's Reel
2 Reel Patsy Touhey's Rip the Calico
Patsy Touhey's Rip the Calico / Leagan Pheatsaí Ui Thuathaigh de Stróic an Ceaileacó / Jenny Dang the Weaver
3 Reel Patsy Hanley's
The New Line To Loughaun / An Líne Nua chuig an Lochán / Hanly's
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