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Cló Iar-Chonnachta
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Album Contents: Across the Sound by Oisín and Conal Hernon

Basic album data
Artist NameOisín and Conal Hernon
Album TitleAcross the Sound
MusiciansOisín Hernon (accordion, melodeon, whistle), Conal Hernon (banjo, guitar, bouzouki, bass, keyboards, percussion), with Tara Breen (fiddle), Tommy Keane (pipes), Jim Higgins (percussion), Eugene Killeen (strings, bass, percussion), Locko Cullen (bouzouki)
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Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 199, 2015. Recorded in Galway. Launched 6 August 2015 on Inis Mór, Aran Islands according to this Facebook event page accessed 23 April 2016.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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11 Reel An Chéad Síol
An Chéad Síol
Performer: 1st time Conal (banjo), then with Tara Breen (fiddle)
2 Reel Oileán an Tuí
Oileán an Tuí
Performer: 1st time Tara Breen (fiddle)
3 Reel Poll na bPéist
Poll na bPéist
Performer: with Tara Breen (fiddle)
21 JigD Ditched in Doonbeg
Ditched in Doonbeg
Performer: 1st time Conal (banjo)
2 JigD Granny's Downfall
Granny's Downfall
Performer: with Tara Breen (fiddle)
31 March Coley Mhaidhc's March
Coley Mhaidhc's March
Performer: Tommy Keane (pipes)
2 Polka Weekend in Kerry, A
A Weekend in Kerry
41 BDnce Fisherman's Garden
Fisherman's Garden
Performer: 1st time Conal (banjo)
51 Reel Calm before the Storm
The Calm before the Storm
Performer: 1st time Oisín (accordion)
2 Reel Milltown Madness
Milltown Madness
61 Hpipe Rambling Dog
The Rambling Dog
Performer: Oisín (accordion)
2 Hpipe Queen Anne Paws
Queen Anne Paws
Performer: Oisín (accordion)
71 Reel Simple Pleasure
Simple Pleasure
Performer: Conal (banjo)
2 Reel Tom Mhaidhle's Passage
Tom Mhaidhle's Passage
Performer: Conal (banjo)
81 Waltz Inky's Waltz
Inky's Waltz
Performer: Oisín (accordion)
91 JigD Renmore Jig
The Renmore Jig
Performer: Conal (banjo)
2 JigD Philomena's Fancy
Philomena's Fancy
Performer: Conal (banjo)
101 Reel Endless Gig
The Endless Gig
Performer: Oisín (melodeon)
2 Reel Across the Sound
Across The Sound
3 Reel Happy Hour in Inis Meáin
Happy Hour in Inis Meáin
Performer: with Tara Breen (fiddle)
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