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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Green Branch. An Géagán Glas by Oisín Mac Diarmada

Basic album data
Artist NameOisín Mac Diarmada
Album TitleThe Green Branch. An Géagán Glas
MusiciansOisín Mac Diarmada (fiddle), with Samantha Harvey (piano)
Source and
other information
Musical Ireland CPCD004, 2015. Released 14 October 2015 according to this Facebook post accessed 22 October 2015.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Jackie Coleman's
Jackie Coleman's
2 Reel Mayor Harrison's Fedora
Mayor Harrison's Fedora
21 JigD Mixing the Punch
Mixing the Punch
2 JigD Both Meat and Dhrink
Both Meat and Drink
31 Reel Avonmore
The Avonmore / The Blackwater
2 Reel All Hands Around
All Hands Around
41 Reel Twilight in Portroe
Twilight in Portroe
2 Reel Mountain Road
The Mountain Road
51 SetD Drunken Gauger
The Drunken Gauger
2 Reel McGreevy's
61 BDnce Veronica McNamara's
Veronica McNamara's
2 Reel Professor
The Professor
3 Reel Charlie Dolan's
Charlie Dolan's
71 JigD Connachtman
The Connachtman
2 JigD Emmet the Piper
Emmet the Piper
81 Reel David's Dream
David's Dream
2 Reel Reel of Mullinavat
The Reel of Mullinavat
91 SetD Ace and Deuce of Pipering
The Ace and Deuce of Piping
2 Reel Sarah Kelly's
Sarah Kelly's
101 Reel Maid of Hollywell
The Maids of Hollywell
2 Reel Thirteen Arches
The Thirteen Arches
111 Reel Captain O'Neill
Captain O'Neill
2 Reel Dolly's Hill
Eddie Kelly's
3 Reel Green Branch
The Green Branch
121 Reel A Bright May Morning
Bright May Morning
2 SgJig Fowler on the Moor
Fowler on the Moor
131 Hpipe Céad Bliain ag Fás
Céad Bliain ag Fás
2 Hpipe Salthill Hornpipe
The Salthill Hornpipe
141 Reel Miss Monaghan
Miss Monaghan
2 Reel Vincent Harrison's
Vincent Harrison's
3 Reel Woman of the House
The Woman of the House
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