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Album Contents: Oldtime Records. Vol. 3. Piping Rarities

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Album TitleOldtime Records. Vol. 3. Piping Rarities
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Oldtime Records OTR 103, 2009. Copies of 78rpm records with original recording dates ranging from 9 March 1917 through about 1950. Notes by Gerry Clarke and Emmett Gill.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD A Trip to the Cottage
Trip to the Cottage
Performer: William Andrews (pipes)
2 JigD Mouse in the Cupboard
The Walls of Liscarroll
Performer: William Andrews (pipes)
21 Reel Graf Spee
Grand Spy / Graff Spee
Performer: Martin Beirne (pipes)
31 JigD Geese in the Bog
The Geese in the Bog / The Lark's March
Performer: Michael Carney (pipes)
41 Hpipe Poll Ha'penny
Pol Ha'penny Hornpipe
Performer: Micael Carney (pipes), James Morrison (fiddle)
2 Hpipe Fisher's Hornpipe
Fisher's Hornpipe
Performer: 1st time James Morrison (fiddle), then with Michael Carney (pipes)
51 Reel First House in Connaught
First House in Connaught
Performer: Sean Dempsey (pipes)
2 Reel Rolling in the Ryegrass
Rolling in the Ryegrass
Performer: Sean Dempsey (pipes)
3 Reel Honeymoon
The Honeymoon
Performer: Sean Dempsey (pipes)
61 Reel Pigeon on the Gate
The Pigeon on the Gate
Performer: Felix Doran (pipes)
2 Reel Congress Reel
The Congress
Performer: Felix Doran (pipes)
71 JigD Tobin's Favorite
Follow Me Around the Garden
Performer: Joseph Sullivan (pipes), Patrick Doran (flute), Joe Owens (fiddle)
2 JigD Walls of Liscarroll
The Lark in the Meadow
Performer: Joseph Sullivan (pipes), Patrick Doran (flute), Joe Owens (fiddle)
81 Reel O'Reilly's Greyhound
Galway Girl / O'Reilly's Greyhound
Performer: Bowen's Irish Orchestra: Joseph Sullivan (pipes), Dennis Flynn (pipes), Patrick Doran (flute), Joe Owens (fiddle), William McCormick (fiddle)
2 Reel I Wish I Never Saw You
Stokestown Reel / Hayden's Favourite
Performer: Bowen's Irish Orchestra: Joseph Sullivan (pipes), Dennis Flynn (pipes), Patrick Doran (flute), Joe Owens (fiddle), William McCormick (fiddle)
91 Polka Tripping on the Mountain
[1st tune in a set titled:] Irish Polkas
Performer: Tom Ennis (pipes), John Gerrity (fiddle)
2 Polka Murphy's Polka
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Irish Polkas
Performer: Tom Ennis (pipes), John Gerrity (fiddle)
3 Polka Rose Tree
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Irish Polkas
Performer: Tom Ennis (pipes), John Gerrity (fiddle)
101 March Brian Boru's March
[1st, 3rd, and 5th tune in a set titled:] The Battle of Clontarf / [title given for this particular tune:] Brian Boru's March
Performer: The Fingal Trio: James Ennis (pipes), Frank O'Higgins (fiddle), John "Jake" Cawley (flute)
2 March Return from Fingal
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Battle of Clontarf / [title given for this particular tune:] The Return from Fingal
Performer: The Fingal Trio: James Ennis (pipes), Frank O'Higgins (fiddle), John "Jake" Cawley (flute)
4 Air Brian the Brave
[4th tune in a set titled:] The Battle of Clontarf / [title given for this particular tune:] Molly McAlpin
Performer: The Fingal Trio: James Ennis (pipes), Frank O'Higgins (fiddle), John "Jake" Cawley (flute)
111 JigD Joy of My Life
Donneybrook Fair
Performer: Patrick Fitzpatrick (pipes)
121 Reel Lucy Campbell
Lucy Campbell
Performer: Michael Gallagher (pipes)
2 Reel Cup of Tea
The Cup of Tea
Performer: Michael Gallagher (pipes)
131 Reel Four Courts
Four Courts of Dublin
Performer: Edward Mullaney (pipes), Patrick Stack (fiddle)
141 Reel Pretty Girls of Mayo
Mullaney's Favourite / The Pretty Girls of Mayo
Performer: Edward Mullaney (pipes), Patrick Stack (fiddle)
2 Reel Ladies' Pantalettes
The Ladies' Pantalettes / The Duke of Leinster's Wife
Performer: Edward Mullaney (pipes), Patrick Stack (fiddle)
151 Song Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms
Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charrms
Performer: Shaun O'Nolan (pipes)
2 Song Last Rose of Summer
The Last Rose of Summer
Performer: Shaun O'Nolan (pipes)
161 JigD Jackson's Morning Brush
Jackson's Morning Brush
Performer: Leo Rowsome (pipes)
2 JigD Paddy in London
The Clare Jig
Performer: Leo Rowsome (pipes)
171 Song Bean Dubh an Ghleanna
Dark Woman of the Glen / The Dark Woman of the Glen
Performer: Leo Rowsome (pipes)
181 Reel Fairy Dance
Fairy Dance
Performer: Dan Sullivan's Shamrock Band: Daniel J. Murphy (pipes),Michael C. Hanafin (fiddle), Thomas Ryan (fiddle), Daniel P. Moroney (piccolo)
2 Reel Five-Mile Chase
Five Mile Chase
Performer: Dan Sullivan's Shamrock Band: Daniel J. Murphy (pipes),Michael C. Hanafin (fiddle), Thomas Ryan (fiddle), Daniel P. Moroney (piccolo), Dan Sullivan (pipes)
191 Reel Morning Star
The Morning Star
Performer: Dan Sullivan's Shamrock Band: Daniel J. Murphy (pipes),Michael C. Hanafin (fiddle), Thomas Ryan (fiddle), Daniel P. Moroney (piccolo), Dan Sullivan (pipes)
2 Reel Rakish Paddy
Rakish Paddy
Performer: Dan Sullivan's Shamrock Band: Daniel J. Murphy (pipes),Michael C. Hanafin (fiddle), Thomas Ryan (fiddle), Daniel P. Moroney (piccolo)
201 Hpipe Dunphy's Hornpipe
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Stack of Barley / [title given for this particular tune:] Dunphy's
Performer: Liam Walsh (pipes)
2 Hpipe Alexander's
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Stack of Barley / [title given for this particular tune:] Alexander's
Performer: Liam Walsh (pipes)
211 Reel College Groves
The New Demesne / The College Groves
Performer: Liam Walsh (pipes)
221 SetD Blackbird
The Blackbird
Performer: Liam Walsh (pipes)
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