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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Paddy Keenan by Paddy Keenan

Basic album data
Artist NamePaddy Keenan
Album TitlePaddy Keenan
MusiciansPaddy Keenan (pipes, whistle), with John Keenan (banjo), Thomas Keenan (whistle), Paddy Glackin (fiddle)
Source and
other information
Hot Conya JCR 02 00, 2000. Reissue of Gael-Linn CEF 045, 1975. Notes by Séamus Ennis. On this reissue the descriptions of tracks 6 and 11 are mistakenly swapped with respect to the actual CD contents.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Steampacket
The Steam-Packet / The Mountain Lark
Performer: (pipes)
2 Reel Miss McLeod
McLeod's Reel
Performer: (pipes)
21 JigSl Drops of Brandy
Drops of Brandy
Performer: (pipes), then with (banjo), then with (whistle)
31 JigD Lark on the Strand
The Lark in the Strand
Performer: Thomas Keenan (whistle)
41 Reel Humours of Ballyconnell
The Humours of Ballyconnell
Performer: with Paddy Glackin (fiddle)
2 Reel Toss the Feathers
Toss the Feathers
Performer: with Paddy Glackin (fiddle)
51 Hpipe Dunphy's Hornpipe
Dunphy's Hornpipe
Performer: (pipes)
2 Hpipe High Level
The High Level
Performer: (pipes)
61 SetD Job of Journeywork
[mislabeled as:] Two Reels: Tarbolton, The Longford Collector / [intended label printed for track 11:] Long Dance: The Job of Journeywork
Performer: John Keenan (banjo)
71 Song Barbara Allen
Barbara Allen
Performer: (whistle), then with (low whistle), then (pipes)
81 JigD Coppers and Brass
Coppers and Brass / The Humours of Ennistymon
Performer: (pipes)
2 JigD Rambling Pitchfork
The Rambling Pitchfork
Performer: (pipes)
91 SetD Ace and Deuce of Pipering
The Ace and Deuce of Piping
Performer: with John Keenan (banjo).
101 Air Blackbird
The Blackbird
Performer: (pipes)
2 SetD Blackbird
The Blackbird
Performer: (pipes)
111 Reel Tarbolton
[mislabeled as:] The Job of Journeywork / [intended label printed for track 6:] Tarbolton
Performer: John Keenan (banjo)
2 Reel Longford Collector
[mislabeled as:] The Job of Journeywork[intended label printed for track 6:] The Longford Collector
Performer: John Keenan (banjo)
121 Reel Paddy Taylor's Reel
[mislabeled as:] Farewell to Erin
Performer: (whistle)
2 Reel Farewell to Ireland
[mislabeled as:] The Youngest Daughter
Performer: (whistle)
131 JigD Paddy Keenan's Jig
Paddy Keenan's Jig
Performer: (pipes)
141 Reel Swallow's Tail
The Swallow's Tail
Performer: Thomas Keenan (whistle)
151 Reel Wild Irishman
The Wild Irishman
Performer: 1st time solo (pipes), then with Paddy Glackin (fiddle)
2 Reel Sailor's Bonnet
The Sailor'Bonnet [sic]
Performer: (pipes), with Paddy Glackin (fiddle) and John Keenan (banjo)
161 Reel Colonel Fraser
Colonel Frazer
Performer: (pipes)
2 Reel My Love Is in America
My Love is in Amerikay [sic]
Performer: (pipes)
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