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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: On the Fly by Patrick Street

Basic album data
Artist NamePatrick Street
Album TitleOn the Fly
MusiciansKevin Burke (fiddle), John Carty (fiddle, flute, banjo), Ged Foley (guitar, vocals), Andy Irvine (mandolin, mandola, bouzouki, harmonica, vocals), with Jackie Daly (accordion), Brendan Hearty (harmonium)
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other information
Loftus LM002, 2007. Recorded in Scalp, Co. Clare, except track 12 in Larkin Abbot, Surrey, England. Released 8 October 2007 according to Amazon. Not indexed here: track 3 (Sergeant Small), track 6 (The Rich Irish Lady), track 10 (Erin Go Bragh).

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigSl Little Fair Cannavans
Na Ceannabháin Bhána (The Little Fair Canavans)
2 JigD Páidín Ó Raifeartaigh
Páidín O Raifeartaigh
21 Reel Fionn O'Donnell
Martin Wynne's
2 Reel Jackie Coleman's
Jackie Coleman's
3 Reel Mullin's Fancy
Malynn's Fancy
41 JigD Happy to Meet and Sorry to Part
Happy to Meet Sorry to Part
2 JigD Goat in the Green
Old Apples in Winter
3 JigD Cherish the Ladies
Cherish the Ladies
51 JigD Seanamhac Tube Station
[1st and 2nd tune in a set titled:] Seanamhac Tube Station
Performer: air: John Carty (fiddle), jig: band
71 Reel Down the Broom
Down the Broom
2 Reel Gatehouse Maid
The Gatehouse Maid
3 Reel Charlie Mulvihill's Reel
81 Song Galway Shawl
The Galway Shawl
Performer: Ged Foley
91 Hpipe Long Acre
The Long Acre
2 Fling Road to Glountane
"Cuz" Teahan's
111 Polka Return of Spring
The Return of Spring
Performer: with Jackie Daly (accordion)
2 Polka Mountain Pathway
The Mountain Path
Performer: with Jackie Daly (accordion)
121 Reel Boys of Malin
The Boys of Malin
Performer: with Jackie Daly (accordion)
2 Reel John Stenson's No. 1
[1st tune in a set titled:] John Stenson's Nos 1 & 2
Performer: with Jackie Daly (accordion)
3 Reel John Stenson's No. 2
[2nd tune in a set titled:] John Stenson's Nos 1 & 2
Performer: with Jackie Daly (accordion)
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