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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Piping of Patsy Touhey by Patsy Touhey

Basic album data
Artist NamePatsy Touhey
Album TitleThe Piping of Patsy Touhey
MusiciansPatsy Touhey (pipes)
Source and
other information
Na Píobairí Uilleann NPU CD 001, 2005. Remastered from various sources. Liner notes by Pat Mitchell and Terry Moylan. Only tracks 1, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, and 22 are given estimated recording dates; the remainder I have dated as no later than 1919, the year Touhey stopped recording privately (according to p. 6 of the liner notes).

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Drowsy Maggie
Drowsie Maggie
2 Reel Scotch Mary
Scotch Mary
3 Reel Flogging Reel
Flogging Reel
21 Reel Around the World for Sport
The Sword in Hand
31 Hpipe Kildare Fancy
The Kildare Fancy
41 JigD Humours of Glin
The Humours of Glin
2 Reel Kiss the Maid behind the Barrel
The Maid Behind the Bar
51 Air Brian the Brave
Brian the Brave
61 JigD Fasten the Leg in Her
Fasten the Leg in Her
71 Reel Morning Star
The Morning Star
81 JigD Irish Washerwoman
The Irish Washerwoman
91 Reel Shaskeen
The Shaskeen
101 JigD Garryowen
111 Hpipe Poll Ha'penny
Poll Ha'penny
2 Reel Swallow's Tail
The Swallow's Tail
121 JigD Maid on the Green
The Maid on the Green
2 JigD Jackson's Bottle of Brandy
Jackson's Jig
3 JigSl Give Us a Drink of Water
A Drink of Water
131 Reel Fisherman's Lilt
Halligan's Fancy
141 Air Killarney
Killarney (Balfe)
151 JigD Jackson's Morning Brush
Jackson's Morning Brush
161 JigSl Gusty's Frolics
Gusty's Frolics
171 Reel Colonel Fraser
Colonel Fraser
181 JigD Rakes of Clonmel
The Rakes of Clonmel
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 Reel Toss the Feathers
Toss the Feathers
Performer: (C# pipes)
191 JigSl Kitty Come Down to Limerick
The Munster Gimlet
Performer: (C# pipes)
201 JigD Humours of Ennistymon
The Humours of Ennistymon
211 Hpipe Harvest Home
Harvest Home
221 Reel Steampacket
The Steampacket
2 Reel Morning Star
The Morning Star
3 Reel Miss McLeod
Miss McLeod
231 JigD Three Little Drummers
The Three Little Drummers
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 Reel Ivy Leaf
The Ivy Leaf
Performer: (C# pipes)
241 JigD Tell Her I Am
Tell Her I Am
251 Reel Fermoy Lasses
The Fermoy Lasses
261 Song Cailín Deas Crúite na mBó
Pretty Girl Milking her Cow
271 Reel Maiden that Dare Not Tell
The Maiden that Dare Not Tell
281 JigSl Humours of Whiskey
The Humours of Whiskey
291 Reel Boyne Hunt
The Boyne Hunt
301 JigD Geese in the Bog
The Geese in the Bog
311 Reel Honeymoon
The Honeymoon Reel
321 Reel Beauty Spot
The Beauty Spot
331 Reel Boys of the Lough
The Boys of the Lough
341 JigD My Former Wife
My Former Wife (Bantry Bay Jig)
Performer: (pipes)
351 JigD Miners of Wicklow
The Miners of Wicklow
Performer: (C# pipes)
361 Reel Bonnie Kate
Bonny Kate
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