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Artist Name | various |
Album Title | Rogha Raelach. Volume 1 |
Source and other information | Raelach Records RR018, 2020. Track notes at <> accessed 15 December 2020. |
Track | Tune | ? Rhythm |
Link to verified tune identity | Titles as listed on this album |
1 | 1 | Reel | Frank Keane's |
Frank Keane's Reel Performer: Martin Hayes Quartet: Martin Hayes (fiddle), Liz Knowles (fiddle, viola) |
2 | 1 | Song | Eochaill |
Eochaill Performer: Nell Ní Chróinín (vocal) |
3 | 1 | Reel | Concert Reel |
The Concert Reel Performer: Noel Hill (concertina) |
2 | Reel | Sleepy Maggie |
Jenny's Chickens Performer: Noel Hill (concertina) |
4 | 1 | Hpipe | Blackbird |
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Three Blackbirds Performer: Pádraic Keane (B pipes) |
2 | Air | Blackbird |
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Three Blackbirds Performer: Pádraic Keane (B pipes) |
3 | SetD | Blackbird |
[3rd tune in a set titled:] The Three Blackbirds Performer: Pádraic Keane (B pipes) |
5 | 1 | Song | Sadhbh Thomáis |
Sadhbh Thomáis Performer: Saileog Ní Cheannabháin (vocal) |
2 | Reel | Tom's Duke of Leinster |
Tom's Duke of Leinster Performer: Saileog Ní Cheannabháin (viola) |
3 | Reel | Collier's Reel |
Tom's Collier's Performer: Saileog Ní Cheannabháin (piano, viola, lilting) |
6 | 1 | JigD | Fraher's |
Fraher's Performer: Derek Hickey (accordion) |
2 | JigD | Garrett Barry's |
Garrett Barry's Jig Performer: Derek Hickey (accordion) |
7 | 1 | Hpipe | Drunken Sailor |
The Drunken Sailor Performer: Aoife Ní Bhriain (fiddle) |
8 | 1 | Reel | Dunmore Lasses |
The Road to Knock / The Dunmore Lassies Performer: Seán Gavin (F flute) |
2 | Reel | Templehouse |
The Templehouse Performer: Seán Gavin (F flute) |
9 | 1 | Song | Brown Thorn |
An Droighneán Donn Performer: Jack Talty (concertina) |
2 | JigD | Port Chúil Aodha |
The Cúil Aodha Jig / Amhrán an Tae or the Song of Tea Performer: Jack Talty (concertina) |
10 | 1 (3:31) |
Hpipe | Poll Ha'penny |
Poll Hal'penny Performer: Geraldine Cotter (piano) |
11 | 1 | Song | An Cailín Fearúil Fionn |
An Cailín Fearúil Fionn Performer: Síle Denvir (vocals) |
12 | 1 | JigD | East at Glendart |
The Humours of Glendart Performer: Bobby Gardiner (melodeon) |
2 | Reel | Mullingar Races |
The Mullingar Races Performer: Bobby Gardiner (melodeon) |