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Raelach Records
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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Rogha Raelach. Volume 1

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Artist Namevarious
Album TitleRogha Raelach. Volume 1
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Raelach Records RR018, 2020. Track notes at <https://www.raelachrecords.com/rogha1> accessed 15 December 2020.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Frank Keane's
Frank Keane's Reel
Performer: Martin Hayes Quartet: Martin Hayes (fiddle), Liz Knowles (fiddle, viola)
21 Song Eochaill
Performer: Nell Ní Chróinín (vocal)
31 Reel Concert Reel
The Concert Reel
Performer: Noel Hill (concertina)
2 Reel Sleepy Maggie
Jenny's Chickens
Performer: Noel Hill (concertina)
41 Hpipe Blackbird
[1st tune in a set titled:] The Three Blackbirds
Performer: Pádraic Keane (B pipes)
2 Air Blackbird
[2nd tune in a set titled:] The Three Blackbirds
Performer: Pádraic Keane (B pipes)
3 SetD Blackbird
[3rd tune in a set titled:] The Three Blackbirds
Performer: Pádraic Keane (B pipes)
51 Song Sadhbh Thomáis
Sadhbh Thomáis
Performer: Saileog Ní Cheannabháin (vocal)
2 Reel Tom's Duke of Leinster
Tom's Duke of Leinster
Performer: Saileog Ní Cheannabháin (viola)
3 Reel Collier's Reel
Tom's Collier's
Performer: Saileog Ní Cheannabháin (piano, viola, lilting)
61 JigD Fraher's
Performer: Derek Hickey (accordion)
2 JigD Garrett Barry's
Garrett Barry's Jig
Performer: Derek Hickey (accordion)
71 Hpipe Drunken Sailor
The Drunken Sailor
Performer: Aoife Ní Bhriain (fiddle)
81 Reel Dunmore Lasses
The Road to Knock / The Dunmore Lassies
Performer: Seán Gavin (F flute)
2 Reel Templehouse
The Templehouse
Performer: Seán Gavin (F flute)
91 Song Brown Thorn
An Droighneán Donn
Performer: Jack Talty (concertina)
2 JigD Port Chúil Aodha
The Cúil Aodha Jig / Amhrán an Tae or the Song of Tea
Performer: Jack Talty (concertina)
Hpipe Poll Ha'penny
Poll Hal'penny
Performer: Geraldine Cotter (piano)
111 Song An Cailín Fearúil Fionn
An Cailín Fearúil Fionn
Performer: Síle Denvir (vocals)
121 JigD East at Glendart
The Humours of Glendart
Performer: Bobby Gardiner (melodeon)
2 Reel Mullingar Races
The Mullingar Races
Performer: Bobby Gardiner (melodeon)
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