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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Smoky Chimney by Gerry Harrington, Eoghan O'Sullivan, Paul de Grae

Basic album data
Artist NameGerry Harrington, Eoghan O'Sullivan, Paul de Grae
Album TitleThe Smoky Chimney
MusiciansGerry Harrington (fiddle), Eoghan O'Sullivan (accordion, flute), Paul de Grae (guitar)
Source and
other information
Kells KM 9512, [1996?]. Recorded Jan. and July 1996 in Ireland. Notes by Máire O'Keeffe.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Slide I'd Rather Be Married Than Left
I'd Rather Be Married Than Left
2 Slide Ceanngulla Slide
Gleanntán Frolics / The Ceanngulla Slide
3 Slide Nóra Chríonna
Nóra Chríonna
21 Reel Rolling in the Barrel
Rolling in the Barrel
2 Reel Torn Jacket
The Torn Jacket
3 Reel Flowers of Limerick
The Flowers of Limerick / The Mills Are Grinding
31 BDnce Pearl O'Shaughnessy's
[1st tune in a set titled:] Pearl O'Shaughnessy's Barndances
2 BDnce Hills of Tara
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Pearl O'Shaughnessy's Barndances
41 Reel Paddy Taylor's
Paddy Taylor's
2 Reel Donaghmore
The Donaghmore
3 Reel Bridie's Joy
Denis Murphy's
51 JigD Paddy Taylor's
1st in set Paddy Taylor's Jigs
2 JigD Paddy Taylor's
2nd in set Paddy Taylor's Jigs
61 Reel Seachain na Neantoga!
Seachain na Neantoga! / Mind the Nettles!
Performer: Eoghan O'Sullivan (accordion)
2 Reel Paisti Sceichin a'Rince
Paisti Sceichin a'Rince / Children of the Little Dancing Bush
Performer: Eoghan O'Sullivan (accordion)
3 Reel Aloe Vera Reel
The Aloe Vera Reel
Performer: Eoghan O'Sullivan (accordion)
71 Song An Clár Bog Déil
An Clár Bog Déil (The Bog Deal Board) / An Caiseal Mumhan / Cois na Bríghde
Performer: Eoghan O'Sullivan (accordion)
81 Reel Out on the Road
The Cap and Bell
2 Reel Dream of Home
Michael Relihan's
3 Reel Gorman's
91 JigD Out of the Mist
Out of the Mist
2 JigD Furze in Bloom
The Furze in Bloom
3 JigD Bells of Lismore
The Bells of Lismore
101 Polka O'Sullivan's
2 Polka O'Callaghan's
111 SgJig Yellow Wattle
The Yellow Wattle
Performer: Gerry (fiddle)
2 JigD Tailor's Thimble
Swallows in Flight
Performer: Gerry Harrington (fiddle)
3 JigD Timmy Cliffords
Micho Russell's
Performer: Gerry Harrington (fiddle).
121 Reel Sweetheart Reel
Temple Hill
2 Reel Ciaran's Reel
Kieran's Reel
131 Hpipe Smoky Chimney
The Smoky Chimney
2 Hpipe Rose of Drishane
The Rose of Drishane
141 JigD Kerry Jig
Charlie Mulvihill's / The Kerry Jig
2 JigD Humours of Lisheen
The Humours of Lisheen
3 JigD Tom Connor's Jig
Tom Connor's Jig
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