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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Wandering Minstrel by Séamus Ennis

Basic album data
Artist NameSéamus Ennis
Album TitleThe Wandering Minstrel
MusiciansSeamus Ennis (pipes)
Source and
other information
Green Linnet GLCD 3078, 1993. Reissue of Topic 12TS250, 1974. Recorded 1974 in Barnet. Notes by Séamus Ennis.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD Wandering Minstrel
The Wandering Minstrel / The Merry Maiden
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 JigD Jackson's Morning Brush
Jackson's Morning Brush
Performer: (C# pipes)
21 Hpipe Boys of Bluehill
The Boys of Bluehill
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 Hpipe Dunphy's Hornpipe
Dunphy's Hornpipe
Performer: (C# pipes)
31 Air Cuaichín Ghleann Néifin
The Glen-Nephin Cuckoo / Cuaichin Ghleann Néifin
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 JigSl Little Fair Cannavans
The Little Fair Cannavans
Performer: (C# pipes)
41 JigD Gallagher's
The Frieze Britches
Performer: (C# pipes)
51 Reel Flags of Dublin
The Flags of Dublin
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 Reel Wind that Shakes the Barley
The Wind That Shakes The Barley
Performer: (C# pipes)
61 Hpipe Stack of Barley
The Little Stack of Barley
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 Hpipe Cronin's Hornpipe
Cronin's Hornpipe
Performer: (C# pipes)
71 Reel College Groves
The New Demesne
Performer: (C# pipes)
81 Air Blackbird
The Blackbird
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 SetD Blackbird
The Blackbird
Performer: (C# pipes)
91 JigD Gillan's Apples
Gillan's Apples / Apples in Winter
Performer: (C# pipes)
2 JigD Walls of Liscarroll
Walls of Liscarroll
Performer: (C# pipes)
3 JigD Maid in the Meadow
The Stone in the Field
Performer: (C# pipes)
101 Air Molly O'Malone
Molly O'Malone
Performer: (C# pipes)
111 Reel Kiss the Maid behind the Barrel
Kiss the Maid behind the Barrel
Performer: (C# pipes)
121 JigD Happy to Meet and Sorry to Part
Happy to Meet and Sorry to Part
Performer: (C# pipes)
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