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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: A Deep Pool. Traditional Irish Fiddle Playing by Seamus Sands

Basic album data
Artist NameSeamus Sands
Album TitleA Deep Pool. Traditional Irish Fiddle Playing
MusiciansSeamus Sands (fiddle), with Clare Sands (fiddle), Lainey Sands (fiddle), Tiarna Sands (fiddle), Josephine Keegan (piano)
Source and
other information
[self-published] SSSCD200, 2018. "The 3 tracks with Josephine Keegan on piano were recorded in Oct 2016 [in Rostrevor, Co. Down], everything else in late 2017 [in Cork]," according to an email from Seamus 29 April 2018. Released by April 2018 according to a note from Seamus Sands dated 6 April 2018 accompanying the album, and "launched at the Willie Clancy summer school in July 2018" according to <http://seamussands.com/music> accessed 25 November 2018.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 SgJig Old Legacy
The Bard's Legacy
2 JigD Freemason's March
The Freemason's March / The Free Masons / The Free and Accepted Mason
3 JigD Song in Peeping Tom of Coventry
Song in Peeping Tom of Coventry
21 Hpipe What a Beau My Granny Was
What a Beau My Granny Was
31 Reel Blackbird
The Blackbird
2 Reel Ladies Pantaloons
The Ladies Pantaloons
41 Air Maebh Ghael
Maebh Ghael (O! White Maive)
2 Reel Peggy Wants Her Man
Peggy wants her Man [sic]
51 SgJig Sweets of May
The Sweets of May
61 Reel Bogy Reel
The Bogy Reel
Performer: with Clare Sands (fiddle)
2 Reel Molly Bán
The Lass Beneath the Blanket
Performer: with Clare Sands (fiddle)
71 Mzrka Donnellan's
2 Mzrka McCuskers
McCuskers [sic]
Performer: with Clare Sands (fiddle), Tiarna Sands (fiddle), Lainey Sands (fiddle)
3 Mzrka Rocking the Cradle
Rocking the Cradle
81 Air Slieve Donard
Slieve Donard
91 Reel Trip to the Rosses
The Trip to the Rosses
2 Reel Caragh Reel
The Caragh Reel
101 Air Will They Ever Return?
Will They Ever Return?
111 March Highland Mary
Highland Mary
2 Reel Grain of Tea
The Grain of Tea
121 Fling Jimmy Ward's Fling
Jimmy Ward's Fling
2 Fling Craigbuy House
Craigbuy House
Other Humours of Dillonstown
The Humours of Dillonstown
141 JigD Wee House
The Wee House
2 JigD Donaghadee Hunt
The Donaghadee Hunt
3 JigSl Air in the Travellers
Air in the Travellers / Some run after the Buck and Doe / Why did you promise to marry me?
151 Reel Carrickmannon Lasses
The Carrickmannon Lasses
2 Reel Wind that Shakes the Barley
Wind that Shakes the Barley, The
161 Polka Elusive Pimpernel
The Elusive Pimpernel
171 SgJig Donnellan's
181 Song Flower of Magherally
The Flower of Magherally
Performer: (fiddle)
2 BDnce Croidte an Dúin
Croidte an Dúin / Hearts of Down
191 Reel Bring Her to the Shelter
Hand me down the Tacklings
2 Reel Cairo Barry
Cairo Barry
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