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Artist Name | Mick O'Brien, Emer Mayock, Aoife Ní Bhriain |
Album Title | Tunes from the Goodman Manuscripts |
Musicians | Mick O'Brien (pipes, flute, whistle), Emer Mayock (flute, whistle), Aoife Ní Bhriain (fiddle) |
Source and other information | Is Mise Records IS MISE 003, 2012. Recorded in Ross West, Co. Mayo. Released 15 February 2013 according to The Journal of Music dated 23 January 2013, viewed on 19 May 2014. |
Track | Tune | ? Rhythm |
Link to verified tune identity | Titles as listed on this album |
1 | 1 | JigD | Black Rogue |
An Rógaire Dubh / The Black Rogue |
2 | JigD | Airgiod Caillighe |
Airgiod Caillighe (The Old) / An Old Woman's Money |
2 | 1 | Song | Old Man Rocking the Cradle |
An Seanduine ag Luasgadh an Chliabháin / The Old Man Rocking the Cradle |
2 | JigSl | Yellow Legs |
Cosa Buidhe Árda Dearga / Yellow Legs, High Legs, Red Legs |
3 | 1 | Reel | Reel 97 |
Reel 97 |
2 | Reel | Tinker's Frolic |
The Tinker's Frolic |
3 | Reel | Light Horse Reel |
Light Horse Reel |
4 | 1 | Piece | An Fhinne-Bhean Mhodhamhuil |
An Fhinne-Bhean Mhodhamhuil / The Gracious Fair Lady |
2 | Other | Hornpipe 139 |
Hornpipe 139 |
3 | March | Hartney's Hornpipe |
Hartney's Hornpipe. O'Lyne's March |
5 | 1 | Reel | Miss Monaghan |
Miss Monaghan's Reel |
2 | Hland | Watchmaker |
Neil Gow's Second Wife |
3 | Reel | Lucy Campbell |
Lucy Campbell |
6 | 1 | JigSl | Siobháinín Seó |
Siobháinín Seó |
2 | JigD | Boring the Leather |
Boring the Leather |
7 | 1 | Air | Blackbird |
The Black Bird Performer: Mick (pipes) |
8 | 1 | Piece | Fox Chase |
An Maidrín Ruadh / The Little Fox |
9 | 1 | Air | Ceó Draoigheachta Sheól Oidhche Chum Fághain Mé |
Ceó Draoigheachta Sheól Oidhche Chum Fághain Mé / [It was] A Magic Mist That Put Me Astray One Night |
10 | 1 | Reel | Traveller |
The Traveller |
2 | Reel | New-Mown Meadows |
The Top of the Cliff |
3 | Reel | Bride's to Bed |
The Bride's to Bed |
11 | 1 | Song | Dawning of the Day |
Fáinne Geal an Lae Performer: 1st time Mick (pipes) |
2 | JigD | Cauliflower |
The Cauliflower Performer: 1st time Aoife (fiddle) |
3 | JigD | Kissing & Drinking |
Kissing & Drinking |
12 | 1 | Reel | Yeomen's Reel |
The Yeomen's Reel |
2 | Reel | Lady's Cup of Tea |
The Lady's Cup of Tea |