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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: Tuned Up by Brendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry, Paul McSherry

Basic album data
Artist NameBrendan Mulholland, Brendan Hendry, Paul McSherry
Album TitleTuned Up
MusiciansBrendan Mulholland (flute), Brendan Hendry (fiddle), Paul McSherry (guitar)
Source and
other information
Hendry/Mulholland/McSherry COPP014, 2008. "Recorded at New Road Studios, Dunloy, Co. Antrim" according to www.paulmcsherry.com/discography/tunedup_tracklist.html viewed on 2 March 2014. Released on 16 September 2008 according to a number of websites, although a few sources name 27 October 2008 as the release date.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel Richard Dwyer's
Fox in the town [sic]
2 Reel Tap Room
In the tap room
3 Reel Forget Me Not
The Belfast traveller
21 JigD Tatter Jack Walsh
Tatter Jack Walsh
2 JigD Happy to Meet and Sorry to Part
Happy to meet, sorry to part
3 JigD Trip to Athlone
Trip to Athlone
31 JigD Killavil Jig
The Killavil
Performer: 1st time Paul McSherry (guitar)
2 JigD Lost Ring
The lost ring
Performer: 1st time Brendan M (Eb flute)
3 JigD Malcolm's New Fiddle
Malcolm's new fiddle
Performer: 1st time Paul McSherry (guitar)
41 Reel Shovel Tongue
Shovel tongue
Performer: Brendan H (fiddle)
2 Reel Swallow's Tail
Swallow's tail
Performer: Brendan H (fiddle)
3 Reel Gladstone
Performer: Brendan H (fiddle)
51 JigD In the Glibe Road
In the Glibe road
2 JigD Bar Mouth
The bar mouth
3 JigD Hendry's on the Hill
Hendry's on the hill
61 Reel High Road to Linton
High road to Linton
2 Reel Humors of Newcastle
The humours of Newcastle
71 Piece Magh Seola
Magh Seola
Performer: Brendan M (D flute)
2 Hpipe Killeigh Hornpipe
The Bel harbour hornpipe [sic]
Performer: Brendan M (D flute)
81 Waltz Catriona Morrison's
Catriona Morrison's
Performer: Brendan H (fiddle)
2 Reel Dreg's of Birch
The dreg's of birch [sic]
Performer: 1st time Brendan M (Bb flute)
3 Reel Road to Taynuilt
The road to Taynuilt
91 Polka Taureen Derby Polka
Johnny O'Leary's
2 Reel Boys of Malin
Boys of Malin
101 JigD Paddy in London
Mug of brown ale
2 JigD Scatter the Mud
Scatter the mud
3 JigD Port ChĂșil Aodha
Cul Aodh jig [sic]
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