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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Album Contents: The Trí-Tones by The Trí-Tones

Basic album data
Artist NameThe Trí-Tones
Album TitleThe Trí-Tones
MusiciansTara Breen (fiddle), Conor Moriarty (accordion), Stephen Rooney (guitar, vocals), with Jim Higgins (percussion), Ciara McCrickard (vocals), Sean Óg Graham (bass), James Blennerhasset (bass)
Source and
other information
[Self-published] TTT 001, 2014. On the physical album, the band members are not credited with playing any particular instruments. Released 8 November 2014 according to <https://tarabreen.bandcamp.com/album/the-tr-tones-3> accessed 12 December 2023, where instrument credits are also provided for Tara, Conor, and Stephen. Not indexed here: track 9 (Yellow).

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 Reel George Peoples
[1st tune in a set titled:] George Peoples Set
2 Reel Eileen Curran
[2nd tune in a set titled:] George Peoples Set
21 JigD Paddy Fahey's Jig No. 4
Paddy Fahy's
2 JigD Crabs in the Skillet
Crabs in the Skillet
3 JigD Both Sides of a Coin
Both Sides of a Coin
31 Hpipe Newcastle
The Newcastle
Performer: 1st time Tara
2 Hpipe Peerless Hornpipe
The Princess
3 Reel Into the Woods
[unlisted tune after set:] "The Newcastle / The Princess"
41 Song John of Dreams
John O'Dreams [sic]
Performer: with Ciara McCrickard (vocals)
51 Polka Lehane's
2 Polka Cashman's
Performer: 1st time Conor (accordion)
3 Polka Captain Moonlight's Army
Padraig O'Keeffe's
4 Polka Púca Polka
Púca Polka / Puka Polka
61 Reel Sarah's Fiddle
Sarah's Fiddle
2 Reel That's Right Too
Walking the Plank
71 JigD An Seanchaí Muimhneach
Johnny O'Leary's
2 JigD King of the Pipes
The Kings March [sic] / The Ballyshannon
3 JigD Girls of Banbridge
The Girls of Banbridge
Performer: 1st time Tara (fiddle)
81 Slide Keefe's
2 Slide John Brosnan's
John Brosnan's
3 Polka Road to Glen
The Road to Glen
101 Hpipe Penistone Shroud
Penistone Shroud
2 Reel John McGrath's
John McGrath's
3 Reel Canadian Reel
Jean Carrignon's [sic]
111 Piece Bothar Bhaile naBealach
Bothar Bhaile naBealach
121 Reel McGreevy's Favourite
Gan Ainm
2 Reel Josephine Keegan's
Josephine Keegan's
3 Reel E to E Reel
The E to E Reel
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