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Album Contents: Tripswitch by John McSherry and Dónal O'Connor

Basic album data
Artist NameJohn McSherry and Dónal O'Connor
Album TitleTripswitch
MusiciansJohn McSherry (pipes, whistle), Dónal O'Connor (fiddle, keyboards), with Paul McSherry (guitar), Tony Byrne (guitar), Rubén Bada (bouzouki, guitar), Gilles LeBigot (guitar), Shaun 'Mudd' Wallace (percussion), Francis McIlduff (bodhrán)
Source and
other information
Compass 7 4433 2, 2006. Recorded in Randalstown, Co. Antrim. Released on 27 June 2006. Not indexed here: track 2 ("Tripswitch"), track 5 ("Spanish 5's"), track 6 ("Antón"), and the unlabeled air and non-Irish tune at end of track 8.

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 March Rose in the Gap
[1st tune in a set titled:] Rose in the Gap / [title given for this particular tune:] Rose in the Gap
2 Reel Old Dudeen
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Rose in the Gap / [title given for this particular tune:] Old Dudeen
3 Reel First Month of Spring
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Rose in the Gap / [title given for this particular tune:] First Month of Spring
31 Reel Johnny Going to Céilí
[1st tune in a set titled:] Sean Maguire's / [title given for this particular tune:] Johnny going to Céilí
2 Reel Lománach Cross
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Sean Maguire's / [titles given for this particular tune:] Sean Maguire's / Spinner's Delight
3 Reel Petticoat Loop
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Sean Maguire's / [title given for this particular tune:] John Doherty's
4 Reel First Month of Spring
[4th tune in a set titled:] Sean Maguire's / [title given for this particular tune:] The First Month of Summer
41 Air Both Ghé
Both Ghé
71 Reel McGreevy's Favourite
[1st tune in a set titled:] Commonalty Set / [title given for this particular tune:] Charlie Mulvihill's
Performer: John McSherry (low whistle), later joined by Dónal O'Connor (fiddle)
2 Reel Drag Her around the Road
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Commonalty Set / [titles given for this particular tune:] The Pullet and the Cock / Drag her round the road
3 Reel Commonalty Reel
[3rd tune in a set titled:] Commonalty Set / [title given for this particular tune:] Commonalty Reel
Performer: (low whistle), (fiddle in low octave)
4 Reel Iniscealtra
[4th tune in a set titled:] Commonalty Set / [title given for this particular tune:] Iniscealtra
Performer: (pipes), (fiddle)
81 JigSl Áille's Arabesque
[1st tune in a set titled:] Áille's Arabesque / [title given for this particular tune:] Áille's Arabesque
Performer: John McSherry (low whistle)
2 JigD Tell Her I Am
[2nd tune in a set titled:] Áille's Arabesque / [titles given for this particular tune:] Tell her I am / Tart ar an Ól
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