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Album Contents: Traditional Irish Flute Solos. The Turoe Stone Collection. Volume 2.

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Artist Namevarious
Album TitleTraditional Irish Flute Solos. The Turoe Stone Collection. Volume 2.
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Waltons, 2007. Subtitle: "Original Compositions in the Irish Tradition by Vincent Broderick." Performers are not identified, but are one flute player and one fiddle player, usually as a duet, except for track 52, played by Vincent Broderick. Audio CD accompanying the book VB2. Each tune is played only once through at a slow tempo for teaching purposes. Not indexed here: track 51 (spoken material).

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Each Irish tune on this album was identified after a careful, expert comparison of this recorded performance against all other tunes in the Irish Traditional Music Tune Index. The blue column shows just the most established tune title. Follow the links for complete tune info.
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Titles as listed on this album
11 JigD Angler's Rock
The Angler's Rock
21 Slide Derrybrien Slide
Derrybrien Slide, The
31 BDnce Cruising on the Rhine
Cruising on the Rhine
41 BDnce Mountain Stream
The Mountain Stream
51 JigD Leaping Trout
The Leaping Trout
61 BDnce Down the Old Boreen
Down the Old Boreen
71 JigD Swan's Nest
The Swan's Nest
81 BDnce Ballydugan Barn Dance
The Ballydugan Barn Dance
91 March Éamonn Ceannt March
The Éamonn Ceannt March
101 Hpipe Wishing Well
The Wishing Well
Performer: (flute)
111 Hpipe Connemara Hornpipe
The Connemara Hornpipe
121 Reel Red Bog
The Red Bog
131 JigD A Frog in the Pond
A Frog in the Pond
141 Hpipe Halfpenny Bridge
The Halfpenny Bridge
151 Hpipe Final Score
The Final Score
161 Piece Shoemaker in the Quiet Town
The Shoemaker in the Quiet Town [as 1st movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
171 Polka Bailiff Arriving in Town
The Bailiff Arriving in Town [as 2nd movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
181 Hpipe Battle
The Battle [as 3rd movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
191 Reel Running the Bailiff out of Town
Running the Bailiff out of Town [as 4th movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
201 Air A Tribute to the Women
A Tribute to the Women [as 5th movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
Performer: audibly apparently the same sourceas track 52
211 JigD Gambling Man
The Gambling Man
221 JigD Twin Towers
The Twin Towers
231 JigD Boyne Valley Jig
The Boyne Valley Jig
241 JigD Weeping Willow
The Weeping Willow
251 Hpipe Little Ray of Sunshine
The Little Ray of Sunshine
261 Reel Harbour Bar
The Harbour Bar
271 Reel Lord Dunsandle
Lord Dunsandle
281 Reel Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji
291 BDnce Rising Sun
The Rising Sun
301 Reel March Hare
The March Hare
311 Reel Mad Cow Roundabout
The Mad Cow Roundabout
321 Reel Newland's Cross
Newland's Cross
331 Reel Sally Gap
The Sally Gap
341 JigD Three Rock Mountain
The Three Rock Mountain
351 Reel Sugarloaf Mountain
The Sugarloaf Mountain
361 JigD Lambay Island
Lambay Island
371 Reel Nine-Mile Stone
The Nine-Mile Stone
381 March Liffey Valley
The Liffey Valley
391 JigSl Hedgehog
The Hedgehog
401 Reel Tokyo Ramblers
The Tokyo Ramblers
411 Reel Last Straw
The Last Straw
421 Reel Thrush in the Bush
The Thrush in the Bush
431 Reel Waterfall
The Waterfall
441 JigD Falling Leaves
Falling Leaves
451 Air Soldier's Lament
The Soldier's Lament
Performer: (flute)
461 Hpipe Winding Road
The Winding Road
471 Reel Wild Bird's Nest
The Wild Bird's Nest
481 Slide Benmore Slide
The Benmore Slide
491 JigD Strangers in Town
Strangers in Town
501 JigD Wexford Mayfly
The Wexford Mayfly
521 Piece Shoemaker in the Quiet Town
[1st movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
Performer: Vincent Broderick (flute)
2 Polka Bailiff Arriving in Town
[2nd movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
Performer: Vincent Broderick (flute)
3 Hpipe Battle
[3rd movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
Performer: Vincent Broderick (flute)
4 Air A Tribute to the Women
[4th movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
Performer: Vincent Broderick (flute)
5 Reel Running the Bailiff out of Town
[5th movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
Performer: Vincent Broderick (flute)
6 Piece Shoemaker in the Quiet Town
[6th movement of:] Ward's Eviction Suite
Performer: Vincent Broderick (flute)
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