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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Tune ID#1092 (Lark on the Strand)

Transcription of first 2 bars of Lark on the Strand about these two bars
These two bars were transcribed by me from how this tune was played – the first time through – on the recording PK 1 (details in the Discography below).
Basic musical information on this tune.
Rhythm ?Bars8-bar phrase structureMode ?
Double jig32AABBG Major
Titles ? given to this tune in the sources listed below (plus notes of mine about this tune):
Lark on the Strand, The / Lark on the Strand / The Lark in the Strand / An Fhuiseog ar an Trá / Drumraney Lass / Paddy Hughes / Paddy Hughes' Jig / Paddy the Post / The Old Woman Lamenting Her Purse / The Old Woman Lamenting Her Empty Purse / Old Woman's Money (as Gan Ainm on TaisLFid; 2nd in set Colleys Delight on BG 5; 1st in set Lark on the Strand on Drv 5; 2nd in set Kitty Got a Clinking on OTD43 2) (also in D or E or A, could also be described as in its relative minor key, also singled; the settings on WmMully and DOMhny are more like #1836 in their 2nd parts, and the setting on OTD43 2 and in O'Neill's is almost different enough to be separated out, but not quite) (compare The Stolen Purse #1836)
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Discography cd

Here are all recordings of this tune considering only the indexed recordings. I have discovered by careful listening that these sources are in fact musically the same tune, regardless of the tune titles they use, key changes, retuning, etc.

Click play below to hear the first 12 seconds.
[Album code] Artist. Title (Link to Album Info page). Performers (instruments).
[WmMully] William Mullaly. The Westmeath Hunt. William Mullaly (concertina).
[TaisLFid] Taisce Luachmhar (Valuable Treasure) - The Fiddle Album. Paddy Killoran (fiddle).
[Ch 1] The Chieftains. The Chieftains. Paddy Moloney (pipes, whistle), Michael Tubridy (flute, concertina), Seán Potts (whistle), Martin Fay (fiddle), David Fallon (bodhrán). For this tune: 1st time Michael Tubridy (flute).
[NaF 2] Na Filí. Farewell to Connacht. Tomás Ó Canainn (pipes, accordion, vocals), Matt Cranitch (fiddle), Tom Barry (whistle).
[PK 1] Paddy Keenan. Paddy Keenan. Paddy Keenan (pipes, whistle). For this tune: Thomas Keenan (whistle).
[BG 5] Bobby Gardiner. The Master's Choice. Bobby Gardiner (accordion).
[AtMcGn 1] Antóin MacGabhann. Ar Aon Bhuille. Matching Beats. Antóin MacGabhann (fiddle).
[CBt] Celtic Beat. Traditional Music from Ireland. Davy Maguire (flute).
[Drv 5] Dervish. Midsummer's Night. Cathy Jordan (vocals, bodhrán, bones), Tom Morrow (fiddle, viola, vocals), Shane Mitchell (accordion), Liam Kelly (flute, whistle), Séamus O'Dowd (guitar, fiddle, harmonica, vocals), Michael Holmes (bouzouki), Brian McDonagh (mandola, mandolin, vocals). For this tune: 1st time (guitar).
[OMBFMO] Oisín Mac Diarmada, Brian Fitzgerald, Micheál Ó Ruanaigh. Traditional Music on Fiddle, Banjo and Harp. Oisín Mac Diarmada (fiddle), Brian Fitzgerald (banjo), Micheál Ó Ruanaigh (harp).
[GLPL 1] Grey Larsen and Paddy League. The Green House. Grey Larsen (flute, whistle, concertina, harmonium, field organ, piano), Paddy League (bodhrán, guitar). For this tune: (flute).
[WFO 1] Wooden Flute Obsession. Grey Larsen (flute).
[SQGH] Séamus Quinn and Gary Hastings. Slán le Loch Eirne. Stories to Tell. Séamus Quinn (fiddle, melodeon, viola, piano), Gary Hastings (flute).
[Ovld] Randal Bays and Dáithí Sproule. Overland. Randal Bays (fiddle, guitar), Dáithí Sproule (guitar, vocals). For this tune: Randal (guitar).
[MulcFam2] Mick, Louise & Michelle Mulcahy. Notes from the Heart. Mick Mulcahy (accordion, melodeon), Louise Mulcahy (flute, pipes), Michelle Mulcahy (fiddle, concertina, harp, piano). For this tune: Michelle (harp).
[MOR 2] Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh. Inside Out. Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh (concertina).
[WFO 3] Wooden Flute Obsession 3. Tim Britton (flute).
[LmKlly] Liam Kelly. Sweetwood. Liam Kelly (flute, whistle). For this tune: (Eb whistle).
[SPotts] Seán Potts. Number 6. Seán Potts (whistle). For this tune: (C whistle).
[DOMhny 1] Danny O' Mahony. In Retrospect. Danny O' Mahony (accordion). For this tune: (B/C accordion).
[CplySt] Nathan Gourley and Joey Abarta. Copley Street. Nathan Gourley (fiddle), Joey Abarta (pipes). For this tune: (B pipes), (fiddle).
[OTD43 2] Open the Door for Three. The Penny Wager. Liz Knowles (fiddle, hardanger d'amore), Kieran O'Hare (pipes, whistle), Pat Broaders (bouzouki, vocals).

Goes Well with . . .


Here are all transcriptions of this tune considering only the indexed books, listed in chronological order. I have discovered by careful comparison that these are musical matches to this tune as played on the recordings listed above.

Listing of published transcriptions of this tune.
As tune #560 in [1850] Francis O'Neill and James O'Neill. O'Neill's Music of Ireland. [available]
On page 118 of [IMM] Francis O'Neill. Irish Minstrels and Musicians. [available]
As tune #78 in volume 1 of [R] Francis Roche. The Roche Collection of Traditional Irish Music. 3 vols. [available]
As tune #7 in [CRE 1] Breandán Breathnach. Ceol Rince na hÉireann 1. [available]
On page 31 of [RM] Randy Miller and Jack Perron. Irish Traditional Fiddle Music. [available]
As jig #33 in [MM] Martin Mulvihill. First Collection of Traditional Irish Music.
As jig #167 in [Cobb] Dan Cobb. Cobb's Music of Ireland. [available]
As jig #9 in [JKg 3] Josephine Keegan. A Drop in the Ocean. Traditional Irish Tunes Collected by Josephine Keegan.
As tune #197 in [Raff] Lesl Harker. 300 Tunes from Mike Rafferty. [available]
As jig #45 in [Ng] Alan Ng. Alan Ng's Transcriptions. [available]

If you are considering using the above transcriptions to help you learn this tune, I invite you to check these practical Tips for Learning Irish Traditional Music. See also: So why do you bother indexing books and abc?

Year of the oldest source for this tune, considering only the recordings and transcriptions listed above (note that I concentrate on sources after 1900): 1903