Here are all recordings of this tune considering only the indexed recordings. I have discovered by careful listening that these sources are in fact musically the same tune, regardless of the tune titles they use, key changes, retuning, etc.
Click below to hear the first 12 seconds.
Year Recorded |
Track #Tune? |
[Album code] Artist. Title (Link to Album Info page). Performers (instruments). |
~1941 | 4#1 | [GP] The Gentlemen Pipers. Classic Recordings of Irish Traditional Piping. William Andrews. |
~1961 | 2.15#2 | [EMlny] Eddie Moloney. Eddie Moloney. Master Musician. Eddie Moloney (flute, fiddle, whistle, vocal). For this tune: ensemble including Eddie (flute). |
1965 | 15#1 | [TKrny] Tommy Kearney. The Master Pipers. Volume 2. Tommy Kearney (pipes). |
1974 | 15#1 | [CC] Bernard O'Sullivan and Tommy McMahon. Clare Concertinas. Bernard O'Sullivan (concertina), Tommy McMahon (concertina) except where solos noted. For this tune: Tommy. |
~1996 | 3#2 | [PCln] Pat Cloonan. Pat Cloonan's Thanksgiving. Patrick Cloonan (accordion). For this tune: with Martin Hayes (fiddle). |
~1998 | 3#2 | [McNamFam] McNamara Family. Leitrim's Hidden Treasure. Michael McNamara (flute), Brian McNamara (pipes), Ray McNamara (pipes, whistle), Ciarán McNamara (flute), Enda McNamara (fiddle), Deirdre McNamara (concertina), Frank Kelly (piano), Mick Giblin (guitar), Barry Carroll (hammered dulcimer). |
2000 | 16#1 | [NR] Charlie Piggott and Gerry Harrington. The New Road. Charlie Piggott (accordion), Gerry Harrington (fiddle). |
2000 | 1#2 | [INS] Hammy Hamilton, Séamus Creagh, Con Ó Drisceoil. It's No Secret. Hammy Hamilton (flute, vocals), Séamus Creagh (fiddle, vocals), Con Ó Drisceoil (accordion, vocals, piano). |
~2001 | 11#2 | [FG 6] Frankie Gavin. Fierce Traditional. Frankie Gavin (fiddle, flute). For this tune: (fiddle), with Sean Gavin (accordion). |
~2002 | 4#1 | [AcrPond] Across the Pond. Across the Pond. Kevin Griffin (banjo), Roger Burridge (fiddle), Michael Shorrock (bouzouki), Quentin Cooper (mandolin, guitar, bass). |
~2003 | 4#2 | [MMlvy] Mick Mulvey. Within a Mile o' Jamestown. Mick Mulvey (flute). For this tune: (D flute). |
~2009 | 2#1 | [PoNY] Joanie Madden, Brian Conway, Billy McComiskey, Brendan Dolan. Pride of New York. Joanie Madden (flute, whistle), Brian Conway (fiddle), Billy McComiskey (accordion), Brendan Dolan (piano). |
~2010 | 3#2 | [MCny 2] Michael Cooney. Just Piping. Michael Cooney (pipes). |