Here are all recordings of this tune considering only the indexed recordings. I have discovered by careful listening that these sources are in fact musically the same tune, regardless of the tune titles they use, key changes, retuning, etc.
below to hear the first 12 seconds.

Year Recorded |
Track #Tune? |
[Album code] Artist. Title (Link to Album Info page). Performers (instruments). |
~1947 | 2.1#2 | [WC 4] Willie Clancy. The Gold Ring. Willie Clancy (pipes, whistle). For this tune: (pipes). |
1975 | 8#2 | [JnKlly] John Kelly. Irish Traditional Concertina and Fiddle Music. John Kelly (concertina, fiddle). For this tune: (fiddle). |
~1979 | 7#2 | [MB 1] Mary Bergin. Feadóga Stáin. Traditional Irish Music on the Tin Whistle. Mary Bergin (whistle). For this tune: (E whistle). |
~1995 | 13#1 | [PCny] Paddy Canny. Traditional Music from the Legendary East Clare Fiddler. Paddy Canny (fiddle). |
~1995 | 14#1 | [Whr] Paddy Glackin and Robbie Hannan. The Whirlwind. Paddy Glackin (fiddle), Robbie Hannan (pipes). For this tune: (B pipes), (fiddle). |
~1999 | 8#3 | [JOH 1] John O'Halloran. "But Why, Johnny?". John O'Halloran (accordion). For this tune: (D melodeon), with Louise Costello (banjo), Tommy Mc Carthy (fiddle). |
2001 | 10#1 | [GLPL 1] Grey Larsen and Paddy League. The Green House. Grey Larsen (flute, whistle, concertina, harmonium, field organ, piano), Paddy League (bodhrán, guitar). For this tune: (whistle). |
~2001 | 7#2 | [JW 2] John Williams. Steam. John Williams (accordion, concertina, whistle, flute, bodhrán). For this tune: (concertina). |
~2002 | 12#2 | [CaBrdg] Niall and Cillian Vallely. Callan Bridge. Niall Vallely (concertina), Cillian Vallely (pipes, whistle). For this tune: (pipes), (concertina). |
~2003 | 2#2 | [JCt 4] John Carty. At It Again. John Carty (fiddle). |
2004 | 11#2 | [Dnu 5] Danú. When All Is Said and Done. Donal Clancy (guitar, electric bass), Donnchadh Gough (bodhrán, pipes), Tom Doorley (flute, whistle, vocals), Eamon Doorley (bouzouki, fiddle), Oisin McAuley (fiddle, vocals), Benny McCarthy (accordion), Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh (vocals, whistle, flute). |
~2005 | 10#1 | [MMhn] Martin Meehan. Three's Company. Martin Meehan (flute, bodhrán). |
~2007 | 6#2 | [ATrgs 1] Athena Tergis. A Letter Home. Athena Tergis (fiddle). For this tune: with Sharon Shannon (accordion). |
2008 | 4#2 | [RBys 3] Randal Bays. Dig with It. Randal Bays (fiddle, guitar, harp). |
2012 | 3#2 | [JKn 7] James Keane. Heir of the Dog. James Keane (accordion). |
~2014 | 14#1 | [MMcNmr 3] Mary MacNamara. Note for Note. Mary MacNamara (concertina). For this tune: (Bb/F concertina). |
~2015 | 9#2 | [RBPOL 3] Ronan Browne and Peter O'Loughlin. The Legacy. Ronan Browne (pipes, flute), Peter O'Loughlin (fiddle, flute). For this tune: with Tierna Browne (fiddle). |
~2015 | 4#2 | [Frwhlr] Dougal Adams, Ado Barker, Ben Stephenson. The Freewheeler. Dougal Adams (flute), Ado Barker (fiddle), Ben Stephenson (guitar, flute). |