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The Irish Traditional Music Tune Index

Tune ID#221 (Brendan Tonra's)

Transcription of first 2 bars of Brendan Tonra's about these two bars
These two bars were transcribed by me from how this tune was played – the first time through – on the recording McDoB (details in the Discography below).
Basic musical information on this tune.
Rhythm ?Bars8-bar phrase structureMode ?
Double jig32AABBD Major
Titles ? given to this tune in the sources listed below (plus notes of mine about this tune):
Brendan Tonra's / Brendan Tonra's Jig / Tonra's Jig / Port Uí Thomhnra / Port Tonra / Tonra's / The Tonra / Tonroe's / Toneroe's No. 1 / Tone Rowe's / Tone Rowes / Tone Rowe's Jig / Tone Rowes / Tony Rowe's / Joe O'Dowd's Jig / Carmen's Amber (2nd in set The Rose in the Heather on ESL 1) (composed by Brendan Tonra, ca. 1957, although misattributed to Joe O'Dowd in book TS)
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Discography cd

Here are all recordings of this tune considering only the indexed recordings. I have discovered by careful listening that these sources are in fact musically the same tune, regardless of the tune titles they use, key changes, retuning, etc.

Click play below to hear the first 12 seconds.
[Album code] Artist. Title (Link to Album Info page). Performers (instruments).
[McDoB] The McDonaghs of Ballinafad and Friends Play Traditional Music of Sligo. Larry McDonagh (flute), Michael Joe McDonagh (flute), Tommy Flynn (fiddle).
[AM] Andy McGann and Paul Brady. It's A Hard Road to Travel. Andy McGann (fiddle), Paul Brady (guitar).
[JKn 2] James Keane. Roll Away the Reel World. James Keane (accordion).
[MMulv 2] Martin Mulvihill. The Humors of Glin. Martin Mulvihill (fiddle).
[TF] Martin Dowling, Christine Dowling, Daithi Sproule. A Thousand Farewells. Martin Dowling (fiddle), Christine Dowling (flute, vocals), Daithi Sproule (guitar).
[SBw] Folan and Davey. Skin and Bow. Declan Folan (fiddle), Junior Davey (bodhrán). For this tune: with Andy Davey (fiddle).
[PCny] Paddy Canny. Traditional Music from the Legendary East Clare Fiddler. Paddy Canny (fiddle).
[ESL 1] An Evening in Sliabh Luachra. Volume One. A Collection of Traditional Music and Song from the Sliabh Luachra Area. Connie Moynihan (fiddle), Dan Herlihy (accordion), Denis O'Connor (banjo).
[MMR 2] Mike and Mary Rafferty. The Old Fireside Music. Mike Rafferty (flute, pipes), Mary Rafferty (accordion, whistle). For this tune: Mike (pipes).
[DzDnly 1] Dezi Donnelly. Familiar Footsteps. Dezi Donnelly (fiddle).
[MtRd] The Mountain Road. A Compilation of Tunes Popular in South Sligo. Paddy Ryan (fiddle), with Jim Corry (piano).
[MOR 1] Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh. The Nervous Man. Traditional Irish Music on Concertina. Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh (concertina). For this tune: (G#/D# concertina).
[MMR 3] Mike and Mary Rafferty. The Road from Ballinakill. Mike Rafferty (flute, whistle, lilting), Mary Rafferty (accordion, flute, whistle, concertina). For this tune: Mike (flute), Willie Kelly (fiddle).
[WFO 2] Wooden Flute Obsession 2. Harry McGowan (flute).
[WFO 2] Wooden Flute Obsession 2. Thomas Bernard Ryan (flute).
[JCnly 3] Johnny Connolly. An Mileoidean Scaoilte. Johnny Connolly (melodeon).
[LmKlly] Liam Kelly. Sweetwood. Liam Kelly (flute, whistle).

Goes Well with . . .

In the above Discography, this tune is:

Played afterOn Albums
Gold Ring
Bride's Favourite
JKn 2
Come Along with Me
MMulv 2
A Thousand Farewells
Goat in the Green
Rose in the Heather
Trip We Took over the Mountain
Willie Coleman's
Josie's Visit
Maid on the Green
Played beforeOn Albums
Killavil Jig
MtRd, WFO 2
Condon's Frolics
JKn 2
Man in the Bog
Trip to Athlone
DzDnly 1
Down the Back Lane
JCnly 3
Billy McCormick


Here are all transcriptions of this tune considering only the indexed books, listed in chronological order. I have discovered by careful comparison that these are musical matches to this tune as played on the recordings listed above.

Listing of published transcriptions of this tune.
As tune #69 in volume 3 of [B&S] D[avid] Bulmer and N[eil] Sharpley. Music from Ireland. 4 vols.
On page 39 of [RM] Randy Miller and Jack Perron. Irish Traditional Fiddle Music. [available]
On pages 27, 41, 55 of [TS] Tony DeMarco and Miles Krassen. A Trip to Sligo. A Comprehensive Guide to the Art of Irish Fiddling, Sligo-Style.
As tune #20 in [CRE 3] Breandán Breathnach. Ceol Rince na hÉireann 3. [available]
As tune #38 in [DM 2] Dave Mallinson. 100 Enduring Irish Session Tunes. [available]
On page 114 of [M] Phil Rubenzer. Midwestern Irish Session Tunes. 3rd Edition.
On page 191 of [M2] Phil Rubenzer. Midwestern Irish Session Tunes. Millennium Edition.
As jig #134 in [Cobb] Dan Cobb. Cobb's Music of Ireland. [available]
As jig #67 in [JKg 3] Josephine Keegan. A Drop in the Ocean. Traditional Irish Tunes Collected by Josephine Keegan.
As tune #177 in [Raff] Lesl Harker. 300 Tunes from Mike Rafferty. [available]

If you are considering using the above transcriptions to help you learn this tune, I invite you to check these practical Tips for Learning Irish Traditional Music. See also: So why do you bother indexing books and abc?

Year of the oldest source for this tune, considering only the recordings and transcriptions listed above (note that I concentrate on sources after 1900): 1969