Here are all recordings of this song – considering only the indexed recordings.
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Year Recorded |
Track #Tune? |
[Album code] Artist. Title (Link to Album Info page). Performers (instruments). |
~1977 | 2.4#1 | [NaF 5] Na Filí. Chanter's Tune. Unidentified on this reissue, but from the original: Tomás Ó Canainn (pipes, vocals), Tom Barry (whistles, flute), Matt Cranitch (fiddle). For this tune: Tomas (vocal). |
~1998 | 2.1#1 | [ESL 1] An Evening in Sliabh Luachra. Volume One. A Collection of Traditional Music and Song from the Sliabh Luachra Area. Maurice O' Keeffe (fiddle). |
~2002 | 9#1 | [SN 3] Sliabh Notes. Along Blackwater's Banks. Matt Cranitch (fiddle), Dónal Murphy (accordion), Tommy O'Sullivan (guitar, vocals). |
2015 | 6#1 | [BOLCG] Bryan O'Leary, Colm Guilfoyle. Where the Bog Is. Bryan O'Leary (accordion), Colm Guilfoyle (flute). For this tune: Brendan Begley (vocal). |