Here are all recordings of this tune considering only the indexed recordings. I have discovered by careful listening that these sources are in fact musically the same tune, regardless of the tune titles they use, key changes, retuning, etc.
Click below to hear the first 12 seconds.
Year Recorded |
Track #Tune? |
[Album code] Artist. Title (Link to Album Info page). Performers (instruments). |
~1971 | 12#1 | [BC 3] Bobby Casey. The Spirit of West Clare. Bobby Casey (fiddle, whistle). For this tune: with Sean Casey (mandolin). |
1994 | 9#2 | [MH 2] Martin Hayes. Under the Moon. Martin Hayes (fiddle). For this tune: with Randal Bays (fiddle). |
~1994 | 13#2 | [JCt 1] John Carty and Brian McGrath. The Cat that Ate the Candle. John Carty (banjo, fiddle), Brian McGrath (piano, banjo). For this tune: (banjo). |
~1996 | 11#1 | [MOB] Mick O' Brien. May Morning Dew. Mick O' Brien (pipes, whistle). For this tune: 1st time Terry Crehan (fiddle), then with Mick (whistle). |
~1998 | 1.4#1 | [JCrehan] Junior Crehan. The Last House in Ballymakea. Junior Crehan (fiddle, vocals, concertina). For this tune: (fiddle). |
~1999 | 1#2 | [JqMcC] Jacqueline McCarthy. The Hidden Note. Jacqueline McCarthy (concertina). For this tune: (A/E concertina). |
~2001 | 12#3 | [KCrhn] Kevin Crehan. An Bhábóg sa Bhádóg. Music from West Clare. Kevin Crehan (fiddle). |
2002 | 13#1 | [ACC] Aidan McMahon and Anthony Quigney. A Clare Conscience. Aidan McMahon (fiddle), Anthony Quigney (flute). |
2004 | 6#1 | [LYK 2] The Kane Sisters. Under the Diamond. Liz Kane (fiddle), Yvonne Kane (fiddle). For this tune: Liz (fiddle). |
~2009 | 1#2 | [JWynn 2] John Wynne. Ar nós na Gaoithe. Like the Wind. John Wynne (flute). For this tune: (Eb flute). |
2014 | 10#1 | [SWlsh 5] Séamus Walshe. Turas. Séamus Walshe (accordion). For this tune: with Noel (concertina). |
~2014 | 14#1 | [RBysFam] Randal Bays and Family. A Rake of Tunes. Randal Bays (fiddle), Susan Waters (fiddle), Willie Bays (flute), Owen Bays (concertina). For this tune: Randal (fiddle), Susan (fiddle). |